If Atash had a different opinion of what her family might have thought of him, he kept it to himself. Head twisting around to nudge Yamile lightly, guiding her along their walk like a silent shepherd. Even at night he knew the pride well, granted probably not as well as the more heavily forested areas along the borders where he had spent more of his juvenile and adolescent days. Hiding from everyone else.

It'll be strange sleeping in my own den again, better than being caught in the elements though. Atash wondered if he'd find Shiva there patiently waiting his return, some how he doubted it. Shiva had never been the patient sort and if she was there, it was likely he would get more than an earful when they returned. Still, he couldn't avoid it forever. But I suppose I have to show you our home at some point. Might as well be now..

[ FIN ]