[↯Battle! Rules]

Say Alice and Bob are having an argument, and it goes a little something like this::

Alice: I love roleplaying!
Bob: So do I.
Alice: I'm literate~
Bob: So am I.
Alice: I bet I'm more literate than you are.
Bob: *bitchplz* Prove it.
Alice: Fine, I will!
Bob: Challenge accepted.

So what happens, is that Alice and Bob classified_fu - classified_fu came along to the ↯Battle! subforum and started their own 1x1.

{{NB.: This subforum is also where the monthly guildwide ↯Battle! Tournament will take place. The tournament threads will be posted as stickies, so please keep personal ↯Battle!s as normal posts.}}

*Please create a poll for each User ↯Battle! thread, for each roleplayer who is in that thread, so we can vote~!