

It was in late May that a certain event that would change the entire world took place. It was in late May - that day, secretary Larry Clerk would make his life's decision. His life's career choice. The life of the entirety of the planet, in his dossier.

The White House.
23rd. May. 2078. 7:56 PM.

Secretary Larry Clerk is wrapping up for the day, right before he gets a phone call. The conversation lasted than one'd feel - while it lasted for only 4 minutes, it felt as though it was for an eternity. His hand leaves his cellphone back into his pocket, shakingly.

The White House.
23rd. May. 8:17 PM.

Secretary Larry Clerk enters the president's office, along with his assistant Secretary, Sam Bilgers.

"Mr President?" both secretaries had placed themselves right before the president's table - both were sweating, ill-caught and seemed as though they were about to puke any minute, nevertheless, they stood at attention before their president, who had planted his face in the palm of his hands since before they had entered.

"Mr. President, this is urgent - please, may I have your attention?" Sec. Larry said. Slowly, the president changed his posure and looked at the two men before him, a couple of tears carried downwards from his eyes.

the President: "I take it that you two have been filling your duties to the utmost. A few minutes ago, 15 or so, I received a phone call telling me that something terrible had happened. Something that would put us all in mortal danger. All of us. The entire world."

Larry Clerk: "Yessir. We were informed about the incident. Over half an hour ago, it was reported that one of our nuclear warheads had gone and exploded close to Canada's border. We've also received reports from our sleeper nukes in Russia, the Korean coast and Cuba have also detonated. Losses were billions, sir."

The president returned to his facepalm, slowly rubbing his hands from his forehead to the back of his head and his neck. He grabbed a tissue and proceeded to wipe the sweat off his bald head.

the President: "I already know that. Reports go directly to me. I trust that old news was not the only thing that you brought here?" he spoke with an shaken, almost broken voice. "Can we resolve this? Who did this? What did this?" The president had gotten up from his chair and stood with his front facing the windowside.

Larry Clerk: "Of course Sir, my apologies. Newer reports have revealed that the cause behind the explosions were that of a third party. Identity or country still unknown, Sir." after coughing a few times, Larry kept on. "Although several reports state that we face a third party, no evidence points towards a military group. No military vehicles were spotted on GPS nor sattelite, and no close-proximity outland stations have given any sufficient order for the matter of onversation. We ain't got no leads on the perpetrators, Sir. Though we may have our suspicions..."

the President: "Suspicions? Then what are those?" he turned his head towards the two secretaries and rubbed his beard.

Larry Clerk: "We only suspect though. We have not yet concluded. But we've gathered a dossier of people, both in and outside of our military that may be capable of resolving this matter. Please, Sam, if I may."

Larry Clerk grabbed a big collection of dossier files from a box that Sam was holding, and laid them on the president's table.

Larry Clerk: These are people we must gather to resolve this matter. They are all professionals on their respective table.