to tell you that the first three Gaians to reply to ten games in the main forum (following the rules of the game within of course) and then reply to this with the name of games they played gets 25k.

1. Vote in the poll
2. Reply to ten games in the main forum
3. Reply to this message with the list of links to the games you played.
4. Win 25,000 gold. Only three people will win a prize, so hurry!
5. Contest runs from Midnight EST May 1st to the evening of May 30th.
(so if you've posted something any time in May, it will count... but you haven't! scream )

If the die is less than 5, only the first person to post will win 25,000. The second and third place will only get between 15-20 thousand. It depends on how low under 5 the numbder is.

Post in this even if you're past the fourth participant, because if we get 10 votes in the poll, a random person who posted in this thread will win 5,000 gold.

First Place:
Second Place:
Third Place: