One-on-One RPs

Welcome to SDRP's One-on-One RPs subforum where all our One-on-One RPs are housed. In case you don't know what a One-on-One RP is, it's an RP where just you and one other person are playing. The rules and standards of your RP are up to you and the person you play with - so long as you follow the Guild Rules.

What is this subforum for?

One-on-One RPs - Once you get past the idea/recruitment stage you can start RPing.

Logs of One-on-One RPs from AIM (or other IM clients) - Sometimes these things are best done in IM but that doesn't mean you can't post them. Just copy the logs into a thread here. You might find it convenient to do a hybrid system using the IM when you're both online and traditional forum replies when you're not.

Who can post here?

Any member may post a thread asking for an RP or RP partner and anyone can reply. Once the RP has started please don't butt into other people's RPs.

Who's in charge of this place?

Each of our dedicated Crew is in charge of at least one of the guild's subforums and this one is run by all of us. Any questions, comments, or concerns pertaining to this Sub-Forum may be directed to any member of the SDRP Crew.