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Total Votes : 27 |
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 7:01 am
I have been thinking about soquili and reeling in new blood. I know from experience that getting your first soquili is exciting and intimidating all at once and trying to find the courage to actually talk to someone is a bit daunting. Lately I have been thinking that it would be a really fun thing to do if we were to hold some sort of breeding, yes, breeding for people who wish to get more people involved in the wonders of soquili. I'm thinking it would work in two parts. First part being the breeding in which people who enter their couples would be in the end giving away one or two baskets to a newbie. The second part being some sort of flaffle or giant RP contest for newbies to enter for their very own chance at a baby soquili, essentially roping them into a family of possibilities. This would help in the aspect that the basket they win would have a family, essentially this could mean family rp and or the basket would have roots, grounds to build up from, it wouldn't be a completely clean slate. This would also (for those in depth/curious newbies) give them something to delve into and they could look at family backgrounds and be really great grounds for character development. I know a few of us are afraid to give baskets to newbies, for the fear of never seeing the baby again or see any further development other than when the person was first gifted the basket. I think it is just something we will have to chance and hope for the best. Unfortunately we can never be sure who will and will not follow through with their promises and be involved with their new babies. Hopefully in doing this event (if anyone is open to the idea) it will help newbies to not feel so intimidated.
Hopefully I covered enough of this and explained it well enough that it makes sense and it has good grounds for a suggestion! =D
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 7:18 am
This is a good idea in theory and I'm all for new blood in soquili but someone said this in thread (it was Spoof and she was referring to customs rather than breedings but the same thing is similar.)
I think anyone that tries in customs already is the actual dedicated pool of people. Making a raffle restricted to soq newbs only would draw the same people that hit the CYO's every year and run off with the 'sig candy'.
Soquili already feels pretty newbie friendly to me, as anyone who posts enough can usually get a co-own within a couple of months. A slot for people who have never won a custom though might be nice, similar to the breeding newbie slots that were in vogue for a while.
(the breeding newbie slots she was talking about were slots for people who have never won a breeding).
I think something like this WOULD attract people who are just looking for sig candy or who do hit and run and while I would love to see a more active front at welcoming newbies; welcoming those who won't stay and RP or be involved is kind of pointless.
Don't get me wrong, I love people who gift baskets to newbies and by all means, continue to do so. But I don't think this is something that requires extra slots or extra breedings since it isn't something that many people do. People gift baskets, but it's generally to friends; there's rarely someone who is kind enough to gift to a newbie or hold newbie contests. I, for one, wouldn't give to a newbie unless I saw them actively in thread and RPing a co-own, as well as trying for customs, events etc'. etc'. But that's just me.
I think a better thing would be to have more newbie only events. Not whole events, because it's not fair to ignore the people who do stick around and who are active, but small parts out of large events that are for newbies only. As it is, A LOT of newbies get their first soq from the CYO event but barely any of them have stayed around.
Also you're supposed to have a 3 option poll for all suggestion threads, just FYI.
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:04 am
The shop is big... It's not everyone's 'regular' place because some people just don't like bigger shop. Some try, and find out they don't like it.
I think I don't mind something where the owner gives a basket to the shop and the shop eventually holds a big flaffle for them, but I have to admit, I don't really believe in a breeding slot where they have to do that. I dunno why, but yeah... That's just how I believe.
Though this is another option for colorists to do if they want. Colorists are free to choose what option they want to do if they want to do it (like how Fel would do a breeding 'newbie' slot or custom 'newbie' slot, yah know? I think that would work better, but that's just me XDD
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:08 am
I see both sides to the suggestions, and its a torn situation. We all want to be able to share the love when we can, but are also concerned about those that run away after getting sig candy. Before getting into Soq, I personally felt that owning a Soq was impossible, and had it not been for some great friends gifting a Basket, I'd never be here. The intimidation was unbearable.
To expand on the suggestion, what about having a master list of Newbs that should be thought of when owners have a hard time gifting baskets, and don't necessarily want to hold a contest. It could be a voluntary list (and I'd be willing to keep up with it) where "newbies" only need to post a quick blurb (1-2 paragraphs) why they want to be a part and own a basket. Owners could turn to that list and simply choose who they feel would be a great owner to the basket.
To prevent posting a running, the newbie would be required to update their post once a month to show that they are still indeed interested, and to let us know if they have gotten their first Soq or not.
My idea is similar the the MCCL, but adjusted for Newbies.
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:09 am
I think it being another option for the colorist would also be a nifty idea.
I know where Lolly is coming from too, I honestly don't want someone who isn't going to be involved get my babies babies. X3
And like previously stated we can really just never be sure who is and who isn't willing to continue the story with the baby they are gifted. Just trying to think up more ways to get more people in here, though maybe this isn't going to be one of them. Still something to spark other ideas off of. =D
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:14 am
Looneytaz82 I see both sides to the suggestions, and its a torn situation. We all want to be able to share the love when we can, but are also concerned about those that run away after getting sig candy. Before getting into Soq, I personally felt that owning a Soq was impossible, and had it not been for some great friends gifting a Basket, I'd never be here. The intimidation was unbearable.
To expand on the suggestion, what about having a master list of Newbs that should be thought of when owners have a hard time gifting baskets, and don't necessarily want to hold a contest. It could be a voluntary list (and I'd be willing to keep up with it) where "newbies" only need to post a quick blurb (1-2 paragraphs) why they want to be a part and own a basket. Owners could turn to that list and simply choose who they feel would be a great owner to the basket.
To prevent posting a running, the newbie would be required to update their post once a month to show that they are still indeed interested, and to let us know if they have gotten their first Soq or not.
My idea is similar the the MCCL, but adjusted for Newbies. This is a rather nice idea, I wonder though what they would update it with? Just the month like the MCCL or would they add something each month and say when they added it? o-O Then if they were gifted a basket they could update their post with the basket saying "No longer a newbie" or something to that effect?
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:20 am
I was thinking a monthly update would suffice... Just saying they are still interested in becoming an official Soq owner. They could update there reasoning why they would be the best owner. We would obviously try to limit the "Please, id be the best!!!!!!!!!111111111111111!!!!!!" type posts, but people who truly were looking to be an owner and part of the shop would have the opportunity.
I think we should limit the amount of words to, just so that its concise and to the point. maybe a 250 word max. Tell us why you deserve a basket, and how you would be an asset to the shop.
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 12:56 pm
While I see what you are saying, I think that I would have to agree with Lolly. newbies are exactly that. Most of the people that stray into the shop don't stay or if they do, in all honesty some of them aren't the most nicest and friendly people. ^^; Or at least they aren't mature at all. I think giving baskets to just newbies without like a.... four month to six month 'waiting' period would be kind of silly as again, who knows if they will leave in a couple weeks or a month?
I think maybe creating what Mind has in the harpy guild would be a good idea. Her "Harpy Hopefuls" thread. This way a lot of newbies could apply and update how long they have been in soq as they go along. Then we could also see their roleplaying potential, how well they are at coming up with plot ideas, ect. Which also prevents them from just coming in to get a mass number through breeding. ^^; I think all of us could probably agree we don't want to see that happen to our soquili's and their families. Not to say that they will. C:
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 3:44 pm
Looneytaz82 I was thinking a monthly update would suffice... Just saying they are still interested in becoming an official Soq owner. They could update there reasoning why they would be the best owner. We would obviously try to limit the "Please, id be the best!!!!!!!!!111111111111111!!!!!!" type posts, but people who truly were looking to be an owner and part of the shop would have the opportunity.
I think we should limit the amount of words to, just so that its concise and to the point. maybe a 250 word max. Tell us why you deserve a basket, and how you would be an asset to the shop.
How about a section where they could say if they RPed or not and maybe a link to an example post too heart
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 4:53 pm
Kiana, I didn't realize Mind had something similar for the herd.
Jet, That is a good idea. Maybe not a requirement to be listed, but could help out the owners when deciding who to give the baskets to.
Wonder if any more staff will come in and throw some idea's out.
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:37 pm
Since I've already been mentioned by Lolly, I might as well throw in my two cents. xD
I don't see where this is coming from tbh (and I'm not trying to be offensive or anything, I just don't know how else to say it). I don't think the shop is at all unfriendly to newbies and it seems to be (not exactly easy) but not even near impossible anymore to get a co-own or win a raffle. Granted, there are a lot of events where I see all regulars winning, but then you have the CYO every year where (it seemed to me) that a lot of newbies got a soq (and then ran off, but that's not the point). Sure, it's only once a year but still it remains one of the best ways to get your first soq.
You may argue that people don't want to go into thread and talk to people because it's too intimidating, but really? Nobody will bite you if you go in, the worst that's going to happen is you get ignored and even that doesn't happen very often. My point here being; if you aren't even willing to go in and say a few words to the regulars, you also probably wont do it just because you won a soq in a newbie only event.
It might seem hard this time of year to get something when nothing but breedings and customs are going on too, but wait 2 months for a summer event and you'll see the next wave of people who get their first soq. I have several friends I have brought into Soquili and it didn't take them long at all to get their first pet. I pushed them to enter contests and such during events and all of them won pretty quickly. It really depends on what time of year exactly you try to join the shop.
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:48 pm
i think one special breeding raffle for those who do want to give away most of the baskets or a collection of baskets for a flaffle would both be excellent ides that i would fully participate in
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:56 pm
Ill be honest, sometimes I get a little frustrated with all of the constant 'newbie' talk as if the shop and patrons dont do enough or welcome them with open arms.
The shop is WAY more newbie friendly than it was back in 09, and there are insane amounts of people offering co-owns at the mere mention of newbies.
On the same hand... I, as well as many others, HAVE catered to newbies time and time again, and 80% of the time, if not more, they run off and never come back. They got their trophy, so they leave. Its not like we havent tried, but after a bit when people are just around for a trophy, its disheartening. And its common.
I think, just like any other shop, that unless you put in the effort as some have listed above me, they shouldnt just have things handed to them because they write one good RP prompt.
I came into the shop in 08-09 where it was at its least friendly. My first soq was a bribe of 10mil because the shop was not newbie friendly. It has totally made leaps and bounds since then, and I feel the least any newbie can do is hang around and build themselves a little home here before being blindly handed baskets.
I mean look at the first cyo event? Most of those people arent even around anymore. Idk I think Im a little jaded and Im protective of what we as a community have built. At the very least, I think these should not be mandatory, and again, theres no lack of people willing to help a newbie out anyway.
EDIT: Also, if we want a newbie basket event, whats wrong with the shop putting one on where they are totally new and unique horses?
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 7:16 pm
So yeah I'm all for newbie contests and everything, but I know how wrong it can go sometimes.
I mentioned this briefly in the shop thread. Phail and I had a breeding between her Sakura and my Adrian where both the baskets were contested off to newbies. Of the 2 one ended up rehomed (to another newbie) and with a new name, after a family rp where the foals were named by their parents gonk There's a bit of plotting involved in the family background and although I did PM the new owner I never recieved a reply to see if they wanted to be a part of things. It makes me a sad to be missing one family member for at least some background plotting. The other went to someone interested in rping and developing their stallion and there is family rp going on, slow though it may be with much RL busy getting in the way.
I understood the risk going into having such a contest and that really we're lucky with getting one of them in somewhat active hands. I think it should still remain the choice of the parents owners if they wish to take the chance with a newbie contest for breeding baskets.
If the shop were to host something I agree that it should be something with new Soquilli, something like the family event would be awesome.