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❄"Autumn Clematis Thea"❄
4'ft 9'in tall // 14 years old

Chi: 750

Water Bender...

"Yep! Everyone is ready." Autumn jump onto the bout thanks for Yun's help holding it. "Let's go, to where ever! Hehe" The girl chuckled, no idea where to go. Figure that they will find somewhere to start off their search. "Hope on! Me and Yun will row." She said to Alyssa.

Once her and yun get in the canoe, Autumn would be standing up keeping her balance at front, making motion of her arms to pull the water by them to row the canoe they are on. Not even needed for the rowers, since it's more easier to bend their way down the water stream.

[Exit to Frozen waist land]

...Northern Tribe