Simply put, during certain days and in certain locations, certain bending elements will either be slightly improved or dramatically improved. However, during similar occurrences, certain bending elements can also be completely removed from people's arsenal. Battles are often prompted and made in these occurrences, and often times, people are vulnerable in these moments.

There are many different types of boosts and even removals of elements that all occur on set dates every year.

Rules of The Weather
1. Any assaults or battles that were started during a certain weather effect will remain to be in that weather setting, even if the days of its duration are over. For example, even if you post on the day after the day of Black Sun, if the fight started during that day, then you have no firebending for that fight, regardless of how much time passes.

2. Everyone in RP knows which days have which effects. It's not metagaming to know which days are the day of black sun or new moon/etc.

3. Pro-bending is not at all effected by the weather, even during Sozin's comet.


The categories are:

The Day of Black Sun -- This event only occurs once a year on July 24th to July 27th and only for those few days. During this event, there is absolutely no firebending whatsoever of any form, including lightning.

The Day of New Moon -- This event occurs twice a year. Once on January 16th to 17th, and once on November 9th to 10th. During these days, there is no waterbending whatsoever.

Sozin's Comet -- During Sozin's comet, which occurs from August 3rd to August 17th, all Firebending has a 2 rank boost. Fighting Firebenders during this time period is practically suicidal, and is not advised.

The Full Moon -- The Full Moon occurs from the 25th to 29th of every month, and increases all waterbending by one rank. Whether it is night or day will not effect the increase in bending.

Seismic Activity -- Seismic activity occurs in different nations on different dates and improves earthbending by one rank. The dates are:

The Earth Kingdom from the 1st to the 3rd,
Ba Sing Se from the 4th to the 6th,
Omashu from the 7th to the 9th

The Fire Nation from the 10th to the 12th,
Caldera from the 13th to the 14th,
Ember Island from the 15th to the 17th

The Eastern Air Temple from the 18th to the 20th,
The Southern Air Temple from the 21st to the 23rd,

The United Republic of Nations from the 24th to the 26th,
Republic City from the 27th to the 29th

Tradewinds -- Tradewinds occur in nations as a whole during certain dates of the month. They increase airbending by 1 rank.

The Fire Nation has tradewinds from the 1st to the 5th

The Earth Kingdom has tradewinds from the 7th to the 11th

The Water Tribes have tradewinds from the 13th and 14th for North, to 17th and 18th for South

The Air Temples have tradewinds from the 19th to the 24th

And Republic City/The United Republic of Nations have tradewinds from the 6th to the 10th