How long had it been since his visions had brought him to the white lioness? The passing moons and suns had started to merge with one another as the thought of now permanently staying as a member of the pride dawned on him. He didn’t seem to be affected by the idea however, the thought in passing of being completely trapped to rot in the disease-ridden pride crossed his mind but was banished. He decided to remain though if he had contracted the disease or not was beyond him, instead he didn’t think about it as he stretched out on the grass pawing at a strange looking plant. Hunting wouldn’t commence until later instead Marrick figured he would just enjoy his day alone.

Nayla looked rather disgruntled at the plants that were neatly organized in front of her they were withered and neatly dried however it was obvious that something was amiss with them even after digging through the satchel another time she paced in front of them before sighing.

“I’m out of Buchu……” This only meant that she was going to have to leave to get more it was a major part of making a tonic and without it, it was not nearly as efficient as she needed it to be. Not that getting more ingredients was a problem for her it was more or less the mere fact that it was going to set her behind for the day she had planned on making an entire batch before lunch but now it seemed that the gods had better plans for her. Neatly arranging all of the plants into her satchel again she looped it around her neck and headed towards the last place she had gathered the familiar plant.
It took an hour to reach the familiar place, sniffing around she tried to find a patch of it, however she may be out of luck if the seasons were too close to the end she may not find what she needed so soon.

Marrick didn’t say a word as he watched the unfamiliar black lioness walk into the territory that he had been lounging in for the day. She seemed rather unaware of her surroundings let alone didn’t seem to pay any attention to where she was or really what was around other than the fact she seemed more worried about finding something. He had little to no interest in helping her find whatever it was even more so when he felt more like doing nothing for the day other than relax and enjoy himself. He continued to remain sitting there enjoying himself as he continued to paw at the plant in front of him.

Nayla continued to wander around the area, sniffing as if she was something more of a dog than a lion however Buchu had a distinct sent, it was familiar to her like any of the other plants that she typically collected to help ease the pain of those who were diseased in the pride. She had been lucky much like her own mother she was immune to it however that didn’t keep her from wanting to do whatever she could for her pride. Being immune at least allotted the availability of being an apothecary and going beyond the border and traveling for a few days in aims of getting plants that were rare and were in dire need to help those she cared about.

It wasn’t until she caught the familiar smell that she realized that she was not there alone instead the plant she needed rested in the paws of an unfamiliar orange male.

Making her way to him she sat down and gave a faint smile, “May I have that plant?”

Marrick snorted as the lioness finally recognized his presences, granted he was rather content that she hadn’t disturbed him however being completely ignored was in a way rude to his own self esteem.

What was odd was when she asked him for the plant, looking at her and at the plant again he replied in a flat tone, “Why should I?”

Nayla wrinkled her brows as she tried to keep the smile on her face; she really had too much today to do than have to deal with attitude.
“I need it, to make tonic and hopefully before you destroy it and it’s useless to me,” she replied keeping her voice as even as possible. The leaves were starting to curl as he continued to bat it between his paws if they died before she even made it home they were useless.

Marrick let out a sigh before sitting up, “fine you can have it I was done playing with it anyways.” He looked at her waiting to see if she would just get annoyed with him, he wasn’t particularly partial to the plant but the idea of just merely handing it over to her just because she asked wasn’t something he cared to do for the moment.

Flicking his tail he peered at her, she didn’t look familiar to him other than she looked as if she was one of the siblings of a few others in the pride not that socializing was his strong suite.

The black lioness nodded as she laid her satchel down on the ground and opened the flap up. Gently with her teeth she broke the plant from its roots as close as she could from where it sprouted from the ground. She didn’t need the full roots and there was a higher chance for the plant to grow again if the roots remained versus her tearing the plant completely up.

Gently laying it the satchel she closed it and put it back around her neck, “Thank you.” She replied to the lion before she started to sniff the ground again looking for more.

Marrick just shook his head before stretching himself across the ground again, he would have asked her name but he was sure he would just see her again at some point in the pride. Besides it was a day that he felt like doing nothing and caring about absolutely nothing until he needed to hunt again.

((WORD COUNT: 1026))