Welcome to the lands of the Kynthia'Gala Pack and Dinesh'Archana Pack! here you'll experience sadness, ruling, war and happiness. lets begin:

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Blue- us
Red- Dinesh'Archana
Orange- hunting grounds
Yellow- worshiping grounds (for Dinesh)
Purple- worshiping grounds (for Kynthia)

Living in a beautiful land that always glowed brightly like the stars and moon of night was the Kynthia'Gala pack. They learned the was of how the moon worked and sang songs that spoke of the moon. they lived in one part that the moon always glowed at the waterfall and they lived there. As they worshiped the moon, the worshipers of the sun came into their lands and every one of them killed each other and there was only one left of the Kynthia pack: Tadelesh. He was the heir to the throne and when he was an adult the slaughter happened and he has traveled to find a queen and restart the ways of the pack but he didn't know that the new king and queen of the Dinesh pack had spies follow him.

Traditions (they base off the real moon so watch in case the moon is showing one of the traditions!):
Full moon
Every full moon the water of the waterfall get a silvery glow that fills it and they sing songs and dance in the moonlight, praising it and worshiping the god of the moon and the goddess of the stars.

New Moon
Every new moon is a night of sorrow for someone has died or they mourn from Tadelesh's parents dying.

Half Moon ☾
A time of joy, it is when one of the wild dogs of the pack reaches a new stage in life and can begin a new stage of life.

Half Moon ☽
This is a night of joy for new pups are born or a new marriage is held for the lovely couple.

Loe- King of the pack, he controls everything but not harshly. He makes sure everything is in order, leads all attacks, announces celebrations and more.

Deon- the queen. She counts all births, checks food, and checks on the guards and leads the hunts.

Nyeki- the Second Wife. she is only flings with the king and can only have up to 8 girls and 8 boys. If she has more than eight, the rest of them are given to one of the commoners without knowing of his/her mother and father. the 8 males are to grow up and fight for the paw of the Brinly and to be the heir.

Brinly- the Princess of the pack, she is the heir to the role of queen and is only the pup that the queen wants as an heir.

Amiri- the Prince of the pack and the heir to being king. At the stage of life, the Amiri is taken on a hunt to prove his speed and smarts then spars with the other brothers to have the rank and the Brinly.

Ward- the guards of the pack. they protect them from Dinesh attacks.

Jaeger- The hunters. wild dogs only get this rank to be lead by the queen.

Perrin- This rank belongs to only lions. These lions travel the lands for any goods and any joiners for the pack.

ranks go for both packs. the Dinesh traditions i will work on along with the history.

howling to the moon= Kynthia
Enjoying the sun= Dinesh
[size=18]I'm howling to the moon!/I'm enjoying some sun![/size]
Kynthia or Dinesh?: