
Welcome to SDRP's Directory subforum - a place to keep up with members and get to know the SDRP Crew and Crew Assistants.

What is this subforum for?

Introducing yourself: start a thread that's just for you to introduce yourself and let us know what you're into. That thread is yours to do with as you wish. Just follow the rules.

Letting people know what you're up to: reply to your own thread to keep it up to date when things change. You can use this as an easy way to advertise your RPs.

Getting to know the Crew: Crew and Crew Assistant threads will be stickies so you can find us and they should list the things we're responsible for so you know who to ask about what.

Meeting other members: read over other people's threads to get to know them and if they say you can feel free to reply for chatter.

Who can post here?

Every member is encouraged to make an introduction post here and use that to let us know what's going on with you. Please only make one thread for yourself and just reply to it to update. You can put anything you like in your own thread as long as it's not against guild rules. Please include if you want to let others reply to your thread or not and do not reply to threads that don't specifically say it's ok.
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If you reply to threads that don't want replies the Crew may delete them. If we find you've posted more than one thread we will delete the extra so do keep up with your thread. We recommend saving the link in your Gaia profile or signature or at least sending it to yourself in a PM or email.

And remember, spamming is against guild rules.

When you're done, don't wait for a reply - jump straight into the action by joining one of the RPs in the main forum!