You wander around the edge of the reserves, where there seem to be more of an abundance of natural supplies in the forms of flowers, leaves, tiny saplings, even a sampling of wild herbs and more hostile vegetation, when you notice a lost-looking Death priestess. She stares at you, blinking. In her hand is a basket, mostly empty, with only a small collection of leaves.

"Can you help me for a second?" She looks straight up at you, pulling her basket towards you for you to examine. "I forgot what supplies are needed for Trance."

Hell if you knew.

"This is important," she pleads, all but clinging on to you as a lifeline. "Can you help me grab the proper reagents to use for Trance?"

OOC Wrote:

- Roll a 100-sided dice and match your dice roll to the results below. You will need to roll 5 times. You complete the RP once you have done so.

- 1-20: You see some flowers, they look familiar, snapping dragons perhaps? You grab some, though one of them takes a chunk of your finger. Ouch!
- 21 - 40: You reach over for... some poisonous mushrooms? Why not...
- 41 - 60: You get to working on chopping some of the large, overgrown wild grass, but it seems to have other ideas as it nearly strangles you. Fortunately, you defeat the wild grass.
-61 - 80: You see an exotic vine, well, that looks fun. As you grab it you suddenly feel drowsy and..... well you wake up a little later, feeling slightly refreshed, if not miffed okay.
- 81 - 100: You see a few tree branches, they look harmless enough.... until one smacks you in the hand. MINI BOSS: This tree branch is actually an angry minipet. You have to placate the minipet/ defeat it to point of near-consciousness to use it okay. Roll 2d8-8 to determine your attack, the minipet does 5 auto damage to you and has 15 HP. You need to keep on hitting it until you defeat it.