
"Wait wait, stop, wait a second!"

You pause for a second as a Famine clansmember apprehends you. You notice they are standing in a very very large ditch, carrying a shove. There is nothing in the ditch however, as you peer down into the six-foot deep expanse.

"Okay, here let me explain." She points downwards into her little project. "I am trying to create a reservoir, you know, of water. So that we can build farms again." She scowls. "Don't give me that look, it is important to cultivate as much as it is to collect. Now, I need a few good sources of water, I'm hoping once we get enough supplies to create some piping down into the water."

Did she mean, literally take from a water reserve? Well, hopefully not.

OOC Wrote:

- Roll a 100-sided dice and match your dice roll to the results below. Keep on rolling until you find the perfect water reserve. You complete the quest once you have done so!

- 1-20: You reach an area that seems to be particularly wet, close to Amityville, but there also seems to be an awful stench nearby, probably not...
- 21 - 40: You head into the Weeping Forest, but only manage to get yourself lost, though you could swear you hear a trickling noise
- 41 - 60: You see a small pond close to Amityville, but it is filled with Minipet life. Maybe not....
-61 - 80: You see a well close to the Weeping Forest and hurriedly rush towards it. It is empty...
- 81 - 100: At last, deep in the Weeping Forest, you see a well. As you look deep into it, and pull the bucket upwards, you realize the water is not only fresh, it is rather delicious as well! This will be perfect! Water Reserve Found