Teo had come back to the visitors section yet again. The blue female he met and put there was interesting to him. She was fiery and curious all at the same time. Someone like her would do well in a position of power in his pride. She could help him rid the pride of leopards and have it just be a cheetah pard. He would like nothing more that that. That's why he returned. Positions of power were offered up to anyone who seemed interested. While he had one, it would give her reason to stay in the pride and learn what kind of man he was.

Oh, Teo wasn't stupid. He came baring breakfast for her. An antelope that he'd caught fresh this morning. She'd probably be hungr and wondering where to hunt, so this was the least he could do. His chains clinked lightly as he approched. Teo had opted to wear them considering he hadn't before and no one really recognized him. It was sort of sad, how lazy everyone was getting in recognizing their bosses. Just something else he would have to change.

Iseult awoke with a stretch and a yawn, her tongue curling up to the roof of her mouth as her tail snaked into the air. It was early, but she was always an early riser, not so much ready to start the day, but something in her just had her getting up. As soon as she felt the rays of dawn brush her fur, her eyes were crawling open. She needed two things in the morning, food and a good run. She would get both by hunting, but she didn't know this place well. It might take her all day to find her host, let alone figure out where prey might be found.

It was when she left her temporary den that she found a very welcomed surprise. Teo, and with breakfast no less. A smile found its way onto her face as she walked a few paces towards him.
"Good morning," she said, her expression showing just a little bit of her surprise.

Hearing the surprise, Teo smirked. He'd won already, and the day just started. "Here. I caught this for you." He dragged it closer to her and then dropped it, starting to lick at his lips and paws while he sat down. She was up early. Another mark for her. "Good morning, yourself. You look beautiful first thing in the morning. Very easy on the eyes." He laughed as he sighed, watching what she would do. She was, indeed, very easy on his eyes. "I've learned a few things last night at some meetings... It might interest you. It would interest any other cheetah here.." Teo let a flirtatioius smirk appear on his face.

"There are positions of power open to those who inquire. It's not been made public yet... I figure what better way for you to learn about the pride than to help it develope into what it should be."

"For me? Would you like some? It was your hard work that caught it, after all," Iseult replied, tilting her head slightly to one side, placing a paw on the corpse. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks when he called her beautiful, easy on the eyes in the morning light. Really, it was too much to bear.

"You say that to all the females, I'm sure." Well, she wasn't exactly sure. She Knew he was a flirt, that he liked the company of lovely cheetah ladies, but she wasn't sure how he charmed them. Either way, she looked away in a somewhat modest, even coy fashion.
But her ears did flick towards, listening to him speak about these meetings he had been to.
"Oh? What sorts of positions, I don't believe you told me much about what positions are in this coalition."

She enjoyed being called pretty, he could tell. She puffed up and looked shy and innocent when he did. It brought a smirk to his lips as he just kept watching her. She looked eager to eat and learn, so he would let her do both at once. His tail twitched from side to side as he thought of the best way to pharse this.

"There's Council positions open right now for the taking. It takes strong will and determination, but .... it's fine. You'll learn everything about the pride, even secerts which you'll have to keep. They're... the thinkers of the coalition. They enforce law, but answer to the Boss, like I do." He smirked a little and shrugged.

Iseult started eating then, assuming that he didn't want any. She would have liked to share, not mind it, but she was okay eating by herself as he explained what positions were opening up. Council positions, that sounded like something very important, but also something that was best suited to someone who was a long-time member of the pride, who knew the ins and outs of the group. She paused in her eating, considering her question before she looked up and asked him.

"That does sound important, but forgive me if I ask what that would have to do with me? If I decide to stay, I certainly couldn't go straight to being on this council. They sound very important, wouldn't they need to be an elder, or someone who had been in the pride for a long time?" It just didn't seem right to her.

"Not at all. They're opening for anyone who thinks they can handle it. So far, you've put up with me and that's a main part of the coalition, actually." Teo smirked at her, watching as she ate. She was a very tidy eater. Besides the entertainers, it was rare to find anyone who ate so neatly. It made him wonder what else she could do neatly. A perverted grin threatened his lips but he shook his head and sighed, continuing to talk. "Just have to be strong willed. They'll teach you as you go. Or I could teach you as you go."

Sighing a little more, he laid down on the ground and popped her back. "You see... this place is changing, so new cheethas in psoitions of power are required. You seem like a thinker."

"I am a thinker, but sometimes I put off others. Sometimes I speak without thinking about things that make others uncomfortable. Needless to say, I don't end up spending much time with creatures I come across." Iseult paused, tapping her chin with one paw.
"Actually, I think besides my parents, this is the most amount of time I've spent interacting with another creature," she finally explained with a small shrug. She thought about it for a second, then figured she would give it a try.
"What else does the council need to know, or do for that matter?" Her question asked, she tipped her head back down to continue eating, her ears tilted to show she was still listening.

When she tried to talk her way out of the coucil seat, the red male just shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't go into my job knowing what to do. I wasn't suited at all for what I have to do. But you learn, you acclimate and get used to things and then you realize it's easier than you thought." He smirked a little and watched her again. This? This right here was the longest she spent with anyone that wasn't her parents?

"I take it you don't know the ways of a male then?" He teased, winking at her before sighing. "If you get a coucil position, depending on if you want one for Currency, Entertainer, Fighter, Citizen or Nanny... You control and watch that section, enforce the laws, but... You'd be the only female in the coucil. Now, you could take the one for Citizen. It's probably going to be one of the easiest ones to understand."

Iseult laughed when he teased her. While her second sight had told her he would be a flirt, she hadn't really known what that entailed. And it was amusing, she had never really met a male before, not one besides her father. Well, she had met male birds and wild dogs, but never another cheetah, that wasn't related to her. He was clever and charming, she could admit that, and on top of that she could take his teasing. It was more than a little suggestive, but nothing that made her worry for herself. And she wasn't shy enough to get flustered over it.
"I'm afraid not, though I've been told it's quite a bother, putting up with the male species. Alas, perhaps I never will learn for myself," she teased right back, even placing the back of her paw dramatically to her forehead with the final statement, her voice taking on the quality of a very fake sigh.

She smiled at Teo, them, letting her paw drop.
"I know about fighting, though I doubt I'd do well being in charge of a bunch of them. Same thing for nanny, if it's what I'm thinking it is. My mother used to tell me stories about things like that."

Putting up with the male species? Now that pulled a laugh from Teo. He shook his head and smirked when she didn't get flustered like some females would. Perhaps she'd stay anyway. "You poor thing," He said mockingly, grinning from ear to ear. She could do well in this pride. She seemed really cunning, fearless. But that curiosity would get her in a bit of a mess unless she had proper clearence.

Fighting? Interesting. Seeing how she was a rogue, he had to consider the fact that she might have had to defend herself, but it didn't sink in until she said that. "A nanny is just where you watch over the cubs, make sure they don't leave the pride lands, make sure they learn something like hunting... It's no big deal, honestly."

"And the council leader of the nannies... oversees them... Would that mean determining what cubs go to which nannies, making sure all the nannies are doing right by the cubs, things like that?" She was starting to understand this group, or at least she thought she was. Iseult was done eating, so she pushed what little was left away slightly with one paw before starting to groom her face.

"I hardly think leadership positions are no big deal, sounds like a lot of responsibility, though maybe not necessarily a lot of difficult situations. Your job, however, sounds much more challenging. I remember you saying you were involved in planning things and decisions in the pride. That sounds like a lot of responsibility."

He shrugged a little and watched her. No, no. She wouldn't change the subject to him. Teo wouldn't allow that. "Yes, coucil of nannies does pick and chose like that. They can take on some cubs if they wish, or somthing of the sort. The one over citizens would handle cases of say.. petty theft or domestic affairs. Nothing major. Pretty straight forward. This whole place is, honestly." He took a moment to look around at all the lazy cheetahs who were dragging their feet to their duties and he couldn't help but frown at them.

"Everyone here has a part, and I'm trying to get them to dot their parts better than they do. Right now, everyone's gotten very lazy." Those silver eyes of his rolled before looking towards her kill and smirked. She ate a lot of it... More than he thought she could with her slight frame. Then again, she was a cheetah. It was hard to judge how much they ate this way.

"So. What do you feel like doing today?"

Iseult tilted her head to one side. They were being lazy? That didn't sound like a good thing. Wasn't the point of a pride supposed to be that everyone did something to keep the pride going. That would mean that the group was only as strong as its weakest member and if there were lots of members that weren't helping as strongly as they could... it sounded like a bad idea.

Teo finally asked her what she wanted to do today.
"It would be nice if you could show me around a bit more, if there are any other places I'm allowed to see. If not, I wouldn't mind just taking a walk, going to see where you hunted, so that I might do it for myself if I need to."

Going to see where he hunted? He could do that. As for showing her the pride, that might be a bit more difficult. "I'll show you the pride tonight, Iseult..." He looked her over and smirked a bit more. "It's more of a run to get where I found you breakfast this morning, but.. If you're willing to run with me I can show you." He got up and stretched himself out, the chains clinking lightly as he did. Running was fun, it always was. It was what a cheetah was born to do. It helped him clear his head, forget about everything and just helped him feel good.

"What do you say? Are you up to it?" He smirked at her, challenging he stretched himself out again and then waited for her answer, the tip of his tail flicking.

Her tail twitched a bit with a small shiver when he smirked even more at her. Iseult was starting to wonder just how safe she was around him. He could lead her into trouble without much objection.
She smiled, rolling her shoulders in her own stretch.
"I'm a lady that's used to hunting my own breakfast. A morning without a run makes me feel frumpy." Oh, it would probably take a number of hunt-less mornings before she started putting on weight, but still. She was raised to hunt her own kills and to protect herself, not sit around and let someone else do the work for her. She smiled at him.

"Let's go."

Teo couldn't help but spot the shiver that went through the girl. It looked to him like she was either wondering what she was getting herself into or that she was falling for his smirk just like that. Licking his lips to keep another smirk off his face, the male watached her stretched and tilted his head. He would like to do more than stretching with her at some point.

Pushing that thought from his head, the red male smirked and nodded, looking over his shoulder at her. "This way, then." With that, he took off in the direction he had come from not too long before, dragging her breakfast.

She thought she saw a gleam in his eyes, but maybe it was just the trick of the morning light. Either way, he was off and running and she leapt into action to keep up. He was fast, but not moving so quickly that she couldn't catch up and put herself at his side. She wasn't neck and neck with him, but she wasn't behind him by any means.