She'd been on his mind a lot more lately. She was the opposite of him and yet exactly the same. Something, just something, struck her as special. He was moving towards where she'd taken up residence once again and let his mind wander.

Naturally, he thought the blue cheetah was beautiful. She matched him well in that way. She was curious, asked tough questions without thinking about the consequences, so that meant she was brave. Braveness was something he liked. He also noticed she was quite sharped tongued when she wanted to be. He liked that in a woman. Smirking, he looked to the side and noticed one of the few flowers that bloomed around here. It was a bright red flower with a yellow middle. Would it be too odd to bring her a flower? No, he did it when he wanted something from the Geisha and Entertainers. Grinning, he moved over and picked it gently with his teeth.

Finally, he came across her den and sat down in front of it. Clearing his throat, Teo called out to her. His words were muffled because he didn't want to drop the flower right now. "Iseult! I'm here. Are you awake?" This was one of the few times he just asked someone if they were home. Usually he just barged in. But, techniqually, she wasn't part of the coalition yet.

"Yes, actually. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed," Iseult replied from a few paces behind him. She was smiling, a dead hare at her feet. She had already caught herself a pretty fat bird, even though she hated feathers, and went out of her way to catch him something, too. If he had already eaten, ah well, it could go to another member of his coalition. But the gesture was what counted, wasn't it?

He looked kind of cute, standing there, looking in to find her. And, was that a flower? For her? She tilted her head to one side, her smile turning soft.
"Is that for me?" It was a little surprising. He seemed to be doing his best to be charming to her, but she couldn't for the life of her figure out why. She wasn't very remarkable, at least she didn't think so, and she wasn't even a member of his group. Though, when it all came down to it, she was really considering his invitation. It was starting to grow on her, the idea of living with others again, working together. She had some fairly useful skills, didn't she? She was a good judge of character and was good with cubs, at least she thought she would be, and she knew a fair bit about healing and taking care of others in general so...
Yes, she was definitely considering joining and staying here.

The only thing she worried about was her second sight. What if someone found out? What would they think?

He was not amused. She was supposed to stay in the den so he could give her this stupid flower. Sighing heavily, he turned around and looked at her, trying to look bored. He was just surprised that she snuck up on him like that. Now he looked like an idiot with a stupid flower in his mouth. Rolling his eyes he shrugged and dropped the flower at her feet before he looked her over.

Now his brain was in the gutter. He wanted to lick the blood off of her and then seduce her and have some fun in the den. Grinning a bit more he cleared his throat before giving a laugh. "I see you had luck in the hunting grounds. I was going to treat you to breakfast, but I suppose this works, too."

He honestly had a reason for coming down here today. "Yes, this flower is for you. It reminded me of you in a way. It just seemed to appear out of no where, strong and beautiful." He winked at her as he said that. "Did you catch one of those for me or are you storing lunch?" Either answer would be fine with Teo. He didn't want to impose on her too much until she agreed to stay in the pride with him. He was hoping he would grow on her and that asking her to be his number one girl would be easier. Honestly, he didn't have any girls. He was just a shamless flirt. But for some reason, he was drawn to this blue girl. She was a puzzle he wanted to solve, to get to know better.

Iseult's ears flicked back, but not in an aggressive way, it was sort of a response to his grin.
"You treated me to breakfast yesterday. Isn't it fair play that I treat you?" she asked, eyebrows rising a bit. He dropped the flower at her paws, she couldn't help but pick it up between her toes and consider it. Teo's description of it made her smile soften even more, her fur fluffing a bit in embarrassment. She wasn't really strong, and she supposed she was pretty. But not strong. Strong-willed, maybe, but not strong.

"Oh, no, it's for you. Unless you already ate, then I suppose we could give it to someone else, or I could save it." She was rambling. Her mouth snapped shut.
Suddenly feeling the need to distract herself, she dipped her head so that she could slip the flower behind it. Iseult glanced up, not realizing that by not lifting her head she was looking up at him through her eyelashes.

"How does this look?" It was a little crooked.

When she picked it up, Teo watched her closely, his silver eyes examining her. When she put the flower behind her ear, he grinned. It stood out among her blue fur like he did beside her. Shifting, he got closer to her and nosed the flower into place before nosing into her ear after a moment. He couldn't help it. Pulling back, he smirked and nodded again, tail flicking this way and that.
"There. It suits you. Red looks so good you, Iseult.." He murmured and then looked to the bird. He hadn't eaten yet; he'd wanted to do that with her. She'd just saved him the trouble. "Well, let's go eat in your den, shall we?" He didn't say anything about her rambling thing. One of these days he was going to ramble in front of her and he'd hope she was kind enough to remember she didn't mention his rambling. He took up the bird, since that's what he preferred and headed into her den without even waiting for an answer from her.
"I have to admit, I came here to see if you've made up your mind?"

Her tail was probably as bushy as a lion's mane (At least what she had heard about lions) when Teo nudged the flower, and then her ear! Chills, dash it all, she was getting chills! She needed to get a hold of herself. She tried to focus on something else, what was he saying? Red looks good on her?
Iseult burst out laughing. Gods, she would die of mortification if he hadn't meant that as an innuendo, her mind had gone as low as it possibly could right there.

"Oh, yes, I imagine certain shades of red look spectacular on me. Others, well, I imagine it would take a lot of convincing," she replied before she could really stop herself. He picked up the bird she had brought, oh thank the gods, that meant she could have the rabbit.
"Breakfast in my den is fine," she added and quickly picked up her kill and rushed inside after him. Her ears caught his question and she let her mind wander towards that and away from all the other things currently rushing through her mind.

"I... I've thought about it, in great detail. I won't say I've come to a final decision, I might change my mind, but if you need an answer this minute, I'd say... I'd say yes."

While she was talking, Teo was busy taking off the feathers, a few of the bigger ones he took off carefully. He could give them to the cubs running around as toys or let them decorate something for them. He knew kids like to decorate things. There were a few that were fixing to come out as Entertainers. It would make a pretty headpiece or something. Hell, if she wanted them, she would give them to her. Still, when her answer was yes, it caused him to look up from his meal, feathers in his mouth and smirked yet again. This one was even more toothy than the last ones.
"Good... Now, have you made your choice on what you want to be in the pride? We're looking for nannies if you like cubs..." He said, not wanting to seem too eager to have her join their ranks. That meant he could get her to like him without stopping to think she'd leave.

Iseult pawed at her hare, for a moment before settling down to eat, facing Teo so they could still talk. He asked her what she wanted to be, suggested nanny if she liked cubs.
"I was thinking about that," she replied, her voice thoughtful as she nodded, though her eyes were fixed on her breakfast for the moment. It was always better to focus her visual attention on something inanimate while she thought about something important. Less distraction that way.

A little voice in her head prodded her. There was something else she was good at. No. It was her secret, she had been raised to hide it. She liked it here, even if the borderlands weren't very lush and there were so many secrets. She liked the idea of living with other creatures again. And damn her eyes, she liked spending time with Teo. He could get her into a lot of trouble if she let him, he was a rogue and arrogant and she had no idea what he was doing, giving her all of this attention.
Too many things could go wrong if she asked about it, too many things could go wrong if she didn't.
She wouldn't talk about it. End of discussion.

"I do like cubs. And I sort of know how to help the healing process. Nanny would be a fine position."

When she said she would take up a nanny position, Teo just smirked and spat the feathers out and dug into the meat of the beard. It was tender and there was a lot of it because the bird was fat. Sighing at the taste, his eyes clsed as he chewed his mouthful thoughtfully before speaking again. "Excellent. I'll show you the area the nannies usually live in. They tend to group together so they can swap shifts if need be. You don't have to live there, however. You can live closer to me." He smirked a bit and watched her reaction.
No, Teo wouldn't pick up on any secrets she was hiding. He wasn't the type to pry, either. In this coalition, everyone had their secrets. Some were just better at hiding it. Like he hadn't told her he was the one that dumped all the bodies that somehow managed to pile up whenever the leaders of the coalition got angry. No one really needed to know about that. He knew he didn't when he first became Right Hand. Still, after the sixth or so body it was just something he did. Like breathing.
He started eating again before licking his muzzle. He knew the blood would darken his already red fur and he looked her over again. "... I'll have to bring you more of those flowers as I find them. They realy do look good on you." Oh, that meant he could nose at her ear again. He did enjoy the chills he felt. The way her breath seemed to catch in her throat. It was amusing as well as lovely.

"That's a relief. I don't have the greatest experience with actually taking care of cubs, I'm glad I'll have some others to lean on and learn from until I get the hang of it," Iseult replied when he first started speaking, almost interrupting him and missing his final comment. She snorted at his smirk, giving him a look that asked if he was trying to be obvious or just teasing her. She had a feeling it might be a combination of both, a combination that could get dangerous.

"I think I need some time to think about that one. For now I'll just stay here," she shot back, returning to her own food. Did the flower really look that pretty on her? It was just a flower after all...
"Might be difficult. I can't think of many places to put flowers on myself that won't just let them fall off as soon as I move."

He wasn't even sure if he was teasing. A part of him wanted her to say no, but a slightly bigger part of him wanted her to say she'd live closer to him. However, when she said she'd have to think about it, he chuckled and nodde a little, eating another mouthful. He wasn't sure if he was relieved or not, so he just didn't comment on it.

"Oh, I think I could have one of the girls make a necklace out of them for you," he said without thinking. The Entertainers liked to make their own decorations. He could even throw in these feathers. Now he was just thinking to himself. Looking over her again, he just grinned a little more and bit down on his bottom lip. It was hard to stay focused when all he wanted to do was flirt with her all the time. Laughing to himself, he sat up and watched her for a moment. She was really graceful. Maybe she just didn't see herself that way, but it was true.

"Do you have any other questions?"

Are you always this interested in cheetahs that cross your path? If I join will you still have time to come see me? Is it bad that I know things that I couldn't possibly know if I was just a normal cheetah?
Needless to say, Iseult had a million questions. But none of them were one that she felt she could really ask him, not right now. And thinking about them only stressed her out. She was frowning into her food without even thinking about it. Hopefully he would just take it as she was concentrating, trying to see if she did have any more questions.

She tried to play it off, managing to pull her frown up into a small smile. Or, at least she felt like it was a smile. It was really just a hint of one.
"Besides, what do I do now? No, not really. I mean, is it just I accept the invitation and I'm in or is there anything else that needs to be done? I don't really know formalities with things like this. And do I get straight to work..." Or do I get one more day to spend with you without having somewhere else I need to be? She mentally whapped the back of her head; she shouldn't be thinking like that.

"You can spend the day with me... I'll introduce you to a nanny tomorrow and she can tell you what your specific job will be." He sensed she really didn't want to get straight to work. Hell, he knew he wouldn't if he was in her situation. Luckily enough he was born into the pride so he didn't know the formalities either. They were in the same boat there. Teo looked at her small smile and tried not to frown himself. She really needn't be too worried about it. Nanny was one of the easier positions here, he found himself thinking a lot.

Licking his lips, he went back to eating and finished off the rest of the bird fairly quickly. He didn't want to dilly dally all day eating. No, he'd rather dally with her, but he honestly shouldn't be letting his mind go there. She was new and that would scare her off. Still, it was a very good thought and he didn't have too much of a filter on his brain. No, he woudn't say it out loud, but he could picture it, couldn't he?

"We can just spend the day here, if that's easier on you. We don't have to go straight to the nanny site."

Spend the day here? In the den? She was done eating and she couldn't really think of much to do... Well, he could show her the rest of the pridelands, but he could also show her that tomorrow. Was it a bad idea staying here for now? They had gone for a run the last time he had come to see her, maybe it was right to spend the time inside on this occasion. Still, she worried. She couldn't help it, she wasn't used to spending this much time with someone who wasn't related to her. And a male, no a handsome, charming male, just to make matters worse. He just needed to save her from something and he'd be right out of one of her mother's stories, gods help her.
Iseult did her level best not to fidget.
"If you don't have anywhere else you need to be," she replied, getting into a more relaxed position, her tail curling around her side. The tip flicked back and forth.