~I am the Cure~

It was an ordinary day...

In the distant but not-so-distant future, peace reigns and has been for...well, as long as anyone can remember. With only minor problems between countries, that can be sovled without violence, people began to turn their attention to other things- like their failing health. So what did scientists do? They began creating cures- for everything. From the flu to all forms of cancer, people were getting healthier left and right. For a while it was great, but all good things must come to an end.

The common cold. Everyone catches a cold once in a while, right? But if we can cure cancer, why can't we cure a silly cold? Scientists began to ask themselves this. And so...they made a cure for that as well. A vaccine, if you will.

They should've stopped at cancer.

People lined up for that shot like it was going out of style. For the first few days, people were living it up; they'd never be ill again. And then Maria L. woke up with a terrible fever and headache. She thought it was nothing more than the after effects of partying too hard, and went about her day. However, as the days rolled on, she began to get worse instead of better. That final day, only two weeks after this vaccine came out, Maria died in her room.

She wasn't the only one...

Reports from all over began flooding in about death tolls and a new, deadly strain of virus. This was the first time in a while that people began to fear others. Surgical masks were worn all of the time; water bills went through the roof with people constantly washing their hands; barely anyone ever spoke anymore.

You may think the story ends here...it gets worse.

The dead weren't actually dead...not for long anyway. Yes, they began coming back, although they were a bit different than before. They were stronger and their senses had become more defined, not to mention the fact that they had a taste for human flesh. Zombies, if I may call them that. You see it in horror movies but this time, it's the real thing.

Zombies quickly overran major cities and small towns, and if you weren't taken by a zombie, you became one by the original virus itself. It had become airborne, and with every person that left their house, there was one more Zombie running amok. Soon enough the virus and Zombies disrupted the balance of pretty much everything and survivors refused to ever leave their sanctuaries except for in emergencies.

What does this have to do with me?

There were a select number of people, all teenagers no less, that were somehow able to get in touch with each other. They told each other about how, even though they'd been exposed to the virus, they didn't die or change. The CDC and it's small number of survivers hypothesized that there was someone or many people who somehow had the ability to fight off the infection and if they could find these people, they could engineer a cure from their blood. It sent out a televised form of this info, in case one of these amazing people saw it.

The only problem is getting there...

Your journey starts in California, a good 1500+ miles away from the CDC's base in Georgia. You'll face flesh eating Zombies and animals that have been exposed to the virus; you'll even have to fight off survivers who have lost all hope and now want to kill you and drink your blood, thinking it will save them. However, out of the kindness of your hearts, you'll make this journey to save the human race...right?

Sounds like a fun journey...