When Mot woke up, he was no longer in the haunted house. Perhaps it had been a dream? He sat up, only to realize something important was gone. His hat. So, it had happened after all. The hat Hel made just for him. His heart fell, a grimace painted firmly on his features.

And then he heard giggling.

He looked up from where he sat to see some classmates walking by and pointing at him. And then a few more. What was so funny?

The Reaper got up and headed to the Boil's room, finding a mirror and...

That Hunter... he was DEAD MEAT!!!!!!

Mot seethed and punched the mirror, only managing to hurt himself in the process. He hissed and washed out the wound, wrapping it in paper towels. As for his face... ugh. For that he returned to his room, going through every face wash and chemical he could find to try and wash off the graffiti on his face.

It took hours. It was gone, but he looked like he'd been burned by chemicals, and he sure as Hell knew what that looked like from experience.