
A small tent flap attracts your attention, within it something soft and lightly burning, gentle and sweet, nostalgic. Upon walking into the separated tent chamber, you see Medea, kneeling next to a small pyre, a few Clans members kneeling next to it, eyes closed.

"We have lost our lands," Medea begins, upon seeing your arrival," But we have not lost the ability to remember. Come in, close your eyes, and search your own memories. There is much to still preserve."

You need no other prompting as you follow suit of the others, close your eyes, and breathe deeply.


gaia_crown [ General Information: ] This is where your horsemen can post PAST SOLOS, back from the Four Clans, of their experiences. This could be their life as a sentry, or their work they did as a guardian, along with anyone they potentially might have been in contact with. Past solos are sad and bittersweet as almost all horsemen have lost those they were close to. This is a time to remember and for horsemen to reflect on which parts of the past they want to preserve. You are free to use disposable characters that have died in the blast.

gaia_crown [ Labeling the thread: ]: If a horsemen wants to do a past solo pro, they can make a past solo thread, simply label it [PAST PRP], and continue from there. The old Four Clans information withholds for past solos/ past prps