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Bahari, PL, & Rogue Plots Needed! Open! More Rogues to Come

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:58 pm
I know what you're all thinking -- ANOTHER UTA PLOT THREAD!?

But I have so many lions to fit, and so many prides, that it's just easier to put them in a couple different threads, as opposed in to one massive list.

So this one is focusing on my SoA in the Bahari'mtoto, the Pridelands, and my slew of Rogues.

I have two other plot threads:

Nemanja'janan The God of Apathy

Original - The Mwezi'Johari, the Firekin, the Ukuucha'wafalme and the Kitwana'antara

The rest of my SoA will be featured below.  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:03 pm
The Bahari'mtoto

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Name: Nahuatl
Rank: Kinengi
Parents: Xenon x Afina
Mate: Single

Brief Personality: Nahuatl is a very laid-back sort of fellow. Nothing really gets to him, and he could be considered borderline lazy. He loves his pride, he loves his family, and when the situation demands him to get up he will . . . . he just prefers to be lounging whenever possible.

He's a bit of a hippie, if you will. A lover, not a fighter. He's rarely serious and often in good humor. He's a difficult lion to peg because he can seem so . . . breezy and easy going. It's hard to pull a serious side out of him, which can be frustrating, especially during these times where the pride is STILL recovering.

His favorite motto is, "It's all good." Even when things really aren't. On the one paw, this means he is rarely irked or excited. On the other paw, it's tough to get him really enthused or to look toward the future with long-term goals. He'd rather take things a day at the time, with as easy a lifestyle as possible.

Whether or not this comes to bite him in the tail remains to be seen.

Looking For: Bahari RP! I haven't actually had a shot to RP him properly since I got him, his muse was being difficult. I'm open to doing some back-dated RP with anyone, as well as adol stuff too.

Friends or a BFF. Someone who is as lazy and easy-going as him. Or maybe someone who isn't, who comes to him when they need to remember that life is good. . . . and worrying and stressing out about things doesn't help anyone.

Someone to try to light a fire under his tail. Someone who is high strung, more controlling or demanding. Someone who would find his easy and breezy nature frustrating. Someone who might try to get a rise out of him. . . .or just someone to nag at him to constantly do this, do that, or whatever. It would amuse me to see if anyone could actually GET a rise out of him.

Family RP ftw. Brothers, sisters, Mom, Dad?

A future mate?  


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:26 pm
The Pride Lands

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Name: Mchumba
Rank: Hunter
Parents: Ushaufu x Vikali
Mate: Single

Brief Personality: Mchumba is a bit of an odd individual. He is a descendant from Mufasa and Sarabi's lineage, but unfortunately was raised in a very peculiar situation. His mother raised him (and in a sense brain washed him) to believe that males were absolutely nothing, and were to be nothing more than pretty and gentle creatures. It was a females job to run the roost, so to speak, and he sure as better respect any female that crossed his path. No, not just respect, but absolutely grovel at their paws!

With no father figure in his life, and his mother spending most of her time with his one sister, life wasn't easy for the rose and violet lion. All he wanted was his mothers approval, and for the longest time yearned to be a girl himself. . . The only time his mother seemed to pay him any mind was when he got in trouble, but causing trouble wasn't exactly in Mchumba's nature.

His name means ' Sweetheart ' and that's a good term to sum him up.

It's been years now, and the lion has grown a bit of a backbone. He's been given a lot of strange messages, as many others in the pridelands don't seem to have an issue. He's learned, with age, that his mother might not have been entirely accurate, but old habits die hard, and he's struggled with a lot of confusion in his years.

As a cub, males seemed uncomfortable around him. . . and females never seemed to pay him much mind. Now as an adult, he can't help but feel everyone kind of looks at him funny - the females look appalled that he's such a pushover, and the males don't exactly see him as the definition of masculine.

So he's kept to himself. He doesn't have the heart to leave the pride lands, and doesn't have many close friends. His entire life has been tainted with confusion, and its caused him quite a good deal of discomfort. He isn't a good hunter (he never really learned), and he doesn't know how to 'man up' because there's never been a male figure in his life.

So he keeps to himself. He's quiet, shy, and has never outgrown his clumsy nature. He feels out of place no matter where he goes, but doesn't exactly know who to turn to or talk to. Deep down, he's just a desperate guy wanting nothing more than to find acceptance in someone in some form. But reaching out hasn't been easy - males were supposed to be seen and not heard, after all. . . . Or so his mother said.

Looking For: Family RP

Pride RP

Friends? He's pretty easily intimidated by females, but would be terribly loyal just becuase they deserve EVERY ounce of respect, zomg. . . .

Cub RP I think he'd find cubs to be fun and would certainly make a good jungle gym for them.

Mate: Due to his strange upbringing, I really think he'd do better with a male mate, as opposed to a female. Girls scare him so much it would take a pretty special female to get him to relax around them. Unless they were looking purely for someone to push around. . . in which case I could see him getting ordered in to a relationship. xD Poor guy.

I'd PREFR he have a happy ending though.

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Name: Jawara
Rank: Hunter
Parents: ?? x ??
Mate: Single - but has a female lined up, until I hear otherwise from Epee :3

Brief Personality: Jawara is a huge lion, but is best described as a gentle giant. He was originally from a pride that was based on warriors and battles; only the strongest of the strong were accepted, and those with the fiercest of their kind. Everything was about brawn, where even cubs were pitted against one another to prove their prowress. Those who didn't make the cut were often turned out, enslaved, or killed.

Both Jawara and his brother managed to make it to adulthood, and they had a close relationship. They watched out for one another, with Jawara being the more cool-headed of the pair. It wasn't ideal, but it was the only life they new and no amount of arguing could convince his sibling to turn from their pride. There was too much to lose, after all.

Unfortunately, Jawara's brother was eventually taken down by a foolish 'war' started by an even more foolish 'king'. Jawara wanted no part in any of it. He was witness to too much tragedy and loss to want to continue to be a part of such a culture. Making his rounds one evening, the blond lion decided he really didn't have anything to lose, so he turned tail and left, never to return.

The rogue lands have calmed the large lion. He doesn't talk much about his history, and is a self-proclaimed pacifist. He will avoid a battle at all cost, though if words don't work and someone is in need, he won't hesitate to fight to defend what's right and good.

Life is meant to be enjoyed, and Jawara is definitely a lover. He can find good in just about anyone and anything, and is incredibly patient. Some might call him lazy or lackadaisical, and that's just fine with him. He has a strong work ethic when it comes to tastks that need to be done, but thus far has no real purpose.

Most recently, he came across the Pride Lands. He's getting on in his years, and has decided that while he loves the roaming lifestyling, he's ready to settle his paws. The Pride Lands are a perfect place for such a gentle-giant like him to call home. He's very new though, and still adjusting to having so many lions around. . . and waking up to the same scenery everyday.

Looking For: Friends


Pride RP

Just any sort of development, really. He's open to everything. :3

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Name: Fillira
Rank: Huntress
Parents: Tzigana x Kova'rytmi
Mate: Timiza'upeo (though we're still doing some backdated RP)

Brief Personality: Fillira is a girl who absolutely loves music. She is a talented singer, and can often be found dancing at any given moment. She is graceful and she loves to perform. This young lioness has no shame when it comes to performing, and has a secret love for an audience and all the attention it brings.

On top of her love of song and dance, this lioness is a bit outgoing and desperately romantic. She was born and raised in a family that was incredibly close and very loving; her parents as well as her grandparents have all been desperately in love with one another and Fillira demands the same.

Thankfully, the spirits have graced her with what appears to be a happy ending. She met a Pride Lander while out roaming, and they forged a fast friendship. While she has grown quite fond of Timiza, she has found that with happiness comes sacrifice. She has had to leave her home in the Nchi'mahadhi, and has resettled in the pride lands.

The differences between her original pride and the Pride Lands aren't great, but are enough to make her homesick now and then. Life is an adjustment for Fillira . . . . but she doesn't regret her choice.
Looking For:

Mate RP

Friends! Fillira isn't used to being part of such a LARGE pride, so I would love for her to make some new friends and acquaintances. She's still learning the Pride Lands history, so any help would be appreciated.

Musical Buddies She would love to teach someone or perform for a group of young ones. She's used to finding music everywhere in her world, and being surrounded by others that feel the same. Not having many others to perform and play with is . . . depressing. She'd love to teach someone, or find someone just as interested in music as she is!  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:53 pm
The Rogues

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Name: Ngozi
Rank: Rogue
Parents: ?? x Kadaj
Mate: Single

Brief Personality: Ngozi was raised by her half-sister, Tiah. Her father kind of came and went, and though a little on the gruff side, this little lady still came to adore him. Her personality is very loving and sweet. She has been known to be demure in large groups, but around those she knows and trusts, she happily opens up and is terribly affectionate.

Optimistic, cheerful, and incredibly gentle, Ngozi is definitely a good one. Recently, she has stepped away from her sister and has begun to roam more independently. She misses them greatly, but is looking for new opportunities and to learn about new prides. Whether or not she will join one remains to be seen. She is unsure what the future holds, but is always looking forward to a new day.

Looking For: A Mate. I would love if Ngozi could find a companion she could travel with. Someone who might draw out her confidence, and someone who would appreciate her affectionate and sweet nature.

A Pride ... maybe. I'd be open to pride offers, provided plot or RP takes her there. She isn't ACTIVELY seeking one out, but she is of a curious nature, and wouldn't mind paying a visit to those she crosses. I've considered a few for her, but would much rather see where RP and plots take her.

I am also open to backdated RP. She hasn't had much of anything, so I'd be open to RPing her as a cub, juve or adol . . . since she is just newly grown.

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Name: Themba
Rank: Rogue
Parents: ?? x ??
Mate: Single

Brief Personality: Themba is a beast of a lion. He is a true lover of love, and a stereotypical Casanova. He will do what he can to sweet any lion off his or her paws, to seduce them, to make them swoon, and to make sure they know that they are surely loved.

He appreciates beauty, he appreciates the small things, and he will, without a doubt, appreciate you. All of you. Sure, some might call him a whore or try to put him in a negative light as a player, but Themba doesn't believe he's actually doing wrong. Love is meant to be shared, love is meant to be given, and there are so many out there who are under-appreciated.

He has a lot of love to give, and at the moment, no one has had the ability to steal his heart or give him reason to settle. While it is very possible he has broken hearts in the past, he is very lcear and open about his lifestyle. Even if he leaves, he will take a piece of them with him to remember fondly. Or so he claims. . . .

Themba was gifted with a silver tongue, a unique sort of sincerity, and a patience all his own. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for love.

Looking For: Flings.

People he can swoon. Gender isn't much an issue with this guy. <_< Or species really. He does have a particular soft spot for the ladies though, since they tend to respond to his words a lot more pleasantly than other males.

Someone to really steal his heart? I could see him falling hard for someone who either was as much a casanova as him. . . they could flirt with one another, move on, but always kind of come back to each other. It could start off as a beautiful friendship, and maybe grow to something more over time.


I could see him falling for someone who was in desperate need of a charming knight. Someone who has had such a rough lot in life that they don't see their own beauty, their own strength. Someone he would have to work for to comfort, someone who depended upon him, and someone who . . after they DO realize their importance in the world, Themba might find himself . . . partial and attached.

He would likely tr to leave but . . . I think with time (and a little age) he could find that though he has a lot of love to give, there's someone out there that only HE wants.

Honestly, I'm open for ideas and suggestions for this too. Those were just initial ideas. It won't be easy getting him to settle, but with the right RP and enough of it, I think he could.

Definitely open for anything though, and am willing to brainstorm.

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Name: Oseye
Rank: Rogue
Parents: ?? x ??
Mate: Single

Brief Personality:

Looking For: A mate. Possibly a pride. Plots/Rp.

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Name: Shahalad
Rank: Rogue
Parents: ?? x ??
Mate: Single

Brief Personality:

Looking For: A pride. A mate. Plots.

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Name: Jinaki
Rank: Rogue
Parents: ?? x ??
Mate: Single

Brief Personality:

Looking For: A Mate. Pride.

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Name: Chaku
Rank: Rogue
Parents: ?? x ??
Mate: Single

Brief Personality:

Looking For: A Mate.  


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:54 pm
I still have a lot more Rogues to add but have to head out for a bit.

There is no form so . . . consider this thread open! Feel free to post away. :3 I'm open for any and all brainstorming.  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:39 pm
*boots this up too -- needs to add more rogues* x_x  


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:03 am
*boots this one up too*  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:40 pm
So much to fill out. neutral This is why a journal would be helpful, derp.

*dusts this plot thread off too*  


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 5:27 pm

If you're up for it, I have a pridelander cub Bushiri who would be tickled pink to meet Mchumba. Bushiri has it in his mind that he needs to make friends with all the pridelanders. He's very optimistic and super friendly - he may find Mchumba's fear of the ladies odd, but won't judge him poorly because of it.

And what cub can pass up the chance as their own grown-up jungle gym? emotion_awesome  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:01 am
For Shahalad? I would like to offer Mbaraka.

User Image

He's a true gentlemen, one of the original misties but he doesn't know it, he was brought up within the roguelands. He's polite and rather quiet. I'm looking for a mate & pride with him, maybe a pride to travel to with his mate. I'm not sure


Fashionable Bear


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:02 pm

I would love for the two of them to at least meet up. I've actually never RPed Shahalad before . . . I know what her personality is like (will fill that out soon, lawl) and she's definitely a sweet one. But she's still acclimating to her time away from the snowy peaks of the mountains. . . .

I'd love to see how Mbaraka and her get along if you're interested? I'd certainly be interested for a longer-term romance if they click, but I also like to see how they get along before I guarantee anything. *has had great plot-intentions but then the characters just . . . never managed*

Also, if they do get along, I'd be more than interested in talking/discussing prides. :3

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ici Chiot

I would love to get Mchumba out in to the RP world again. I'd totally be down for some jungle-gym type of RP. He's a sweetheart through and through and is much better when dealing with cubs than with adults anyway. Sign him up!  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:43 pm
I may have someone for Themba,
This would be a tough kinda love thing if that gets there. [ Zhen ] / [ cert ] , I am trying to get rp our of her and such to see how she will feel romantically. She is due for a god-fling, and finally get a chance to be a mother ( though she wouldnt like want it at first ) she is brash, hard headed sometimes, incrediably roughed up life all her life til she got to the dawnwalkers. Beat, enslaved, many near death exps, But I would love to see some interaction maybe? Especially after she does have the godling kids. >_>... Being a single mother is hard stuff. But she may have a friend helping her, it just depends on how rps go.

But would love to seek some romantic interaction, or someone trying to flirt with this.. rough around the edges / warrior attitude problem xD

Chi Sohma

Married Unicorn

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