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Artemis smiled as the pale glow of the moon illuminated the shadowed landscape, revealing the silvered beauty of the rolling hills as the land fell away towards the flat plains of the never ending grasslands. Turning at the sound of near-silent paw steps she settled that smile on the male approaching from behind. Taller than she and far bulkier he shared the same star-gifted pelt that she did, only his was cast in the deepest crimson and vermillion, burnished to shimmering gleam that put the pale moonlight to shame. In the sunlight he was truly spectacular with his crimson starred pelt and electric blue mane, but like all the rest of the pride he lived a nocturnal lifestyle. Still he was striking even in the softer light of the moon, and without being vein, she knew they were a good looking pair of siblings.

Ares glanced back at his sister, feeling her gaze on him. Frowning slightly he huffed at the smirk curling across her muzzle. “What’s got you in such a good mood?” He grumbled, flicking his tail against his flank. Artemis laughed softly, a sensual, musical sound that only the most repressed lion would claim immunity against. Luckily for Ares he had grown up with the sound and his only reaction was to deepen his frown at her in admonishment. Oh he knew she didn’t do it on purpose, his sister had always been trouble from when she was a juvenile, but as she had grown so had her unconscious siren-like sensuality. It had not been plain sailing for her either, having become a red fledgling early in her adolescence, she had struggled for a full year before finally managing to gain control over her life again. It had nearly broken Ares to watch her like that, trapped in a vicious cycle that had very nearly destroyed her. But even the cure had been nothing he would ever have wished upon her. Heartbreak had nearly sent her mad but he had brought her to live with him in his den, which was as far from the rest as was physically possible considering the pride’s setup, and for a month he had nursed her, patched up the holes left behind by a string of abusive relationships. The lioness that had emerged from the ordeal was a far wiser, calmer and much more aware female. Her now trademark sense of humour almost fully developed. She had lived and she had learned, and she had grown into a female that her parents would have been proud of had they lived to see it.

Ares felt proud enough for them both, standing now with her strong and sane at his side. She was still grinning at him, that knowing look in her eye and eventually he felt his own maw start to curl in an answering smile, half reluctant, half amused.

“You planning on trouble tonight, little sister?” He finally asked, bumping her shoulder with his own. Her grin widened but she shook her head, chuckling softly under her breath as she leaned her body against his own. “No, brother dear. Just thinking on something I heard today.” She quieted, a rare shadow passing over her expression but it was gone before he could decipher its meaning. Frowning again he kept her pinned under his gaze until she started to squirm, knowing he had seen her brief distress. Flashing him a bright and rather cheeky grin she replied. “I am surprised you do not know yet… we will have the patter of paws about the Sgiach’s den soon.” Beaming, as pleased with the news as if it had been her own, she watched him expectantly. Artemis had always wondered if her brother ever thought of settling down and raising his own family and it had been her mission since they had reached adulthood to find him a suitable mate. So she watched him avidly for any sign of emotion regarding her little snippet of news. Instead she was met with his infuriatingly impassive stare, though the smirk just barely quirking at the corner of his maw betrayed him.

“You are such a beast!” She exclaimed, laughing as she batted at his shoulder in a playfully annoyed fashion. She should have known such an obvious hint would not go unnoticed. Shaking her head at the subtle grin on her brother’s expression she huffed at him. “I just worry, you know. You aren’t getting any younger, brother dear.”

“What about you, sister? You are the one always going on about cubs and who’s seeing who and this knight is mating with so-and-so priestess… “ Snorting he gave her an affectionate smile, a rare expression on the typically restrained male. Outright chuckling when she had the grace to look embarrassed. Flicking her tail she leaned into him, relaxing against his familiar strength. “I just worry… you have never even looked at a female. There is more to life than doing your duty to the Knighthood you know….” Pausing she peered up at him for a moment then suddenly her eyes widened. “Oh! Are you… ?!” Arching both brows he returned her stare, his own confused until understanding bloomed. “Goodness no.” Frowning at her with his best 'Knight of Erebus' look of admonishment, which was actually rather impressive, and pretty darn effective she had to admit, she blushed yet again. Only her brother could ever make her blush so easily.

“Ok.. ok.. I just wondered….” Flustered now she squinted at her brother from the corner of her eye. He was so damn serious she was never too sure if he were truly mad at her or not, though he didn’t have a violent temper, she hated to disappoint him. Finally, after a minute or so she relaxed, having figured out that he wasn’t disturbed by her blunder and was in actuality watching her with that faintly amused expression, as if he enjoyed watching her squirm. Fair was fair though, she had put him in plenty of compromising and embarrassing situations as a youngster so she could hardly complain about his little pieces of revenge every now and again.

Finally she turned to face him, her smile that of a sister to her beloved sibling. “We should probably get back… you are due on shift soon right? And I need to make sure our Sgiach is doing alright.” Ares nodded, dropping his head to ruffle the tuft of her mane, making it stick up in unruly spikes. “You are right, come along.” His reply held the faint amusement that was Ares’ version of outright laughter as his sister gaped at him, scandalized by his attempt at hair styling as he turned and set off back to the pride.

(Words = 1,121)