Welcome to the Sit'n Read topic!

This is a special kind of topic that has a wee bit different rules, albeit from previous, existing ones.

By that, I don't mean the ruleset is entirely different - all basic rules (used on the other topics) are also to be followed in this topic. However, this topic has its own special thing.


What is the Sit'n Read topic?

The Sit'n Read topic forum is a topic forum in which a member may write his or her own text or literature - but no participation from other members are allowed, other than the author of the literature (in the topic of literature in question).

Members can comment on the literature, of course, but doing so will require the creation of a new topic within this forum type (or the O.O.C Forum) entitled "Comments [Insert name of Literature topic in question]".
If more than one person wish to comment on the same literature, please refrain from making several topics regarding the same piece of literature - if there already is an existing comments topic regarding a specific literature topic, please make use of this.

Also, we would like that you do not post threads that are yet to contain literature. Such threads may be deleted after a while if no legitimate literature has been posted. Unfinished text is alright, three or more words are not.

While you may speak freely whilst commenting, please restrict yourself to only or mostly constructive criticism. Cuz everyone loves to hear what they're doing right, or what they're doing wrong.
The aim of the Sit'n Read topic is for everyone to write their own stories or texts freely, in a way so that they can share their own fantasy with the others while receiving feedback.

This may be a helpful topic forum for those aspiring authors wishing to improve their own skills within the arts of literature, or those wishing to improve their basic writing and story-design skills for future RP's.

Remember: do the best you can, but have fun in the process! Only then can you improve yourself, and keep your interest up. Us officers here in the guild are always willing to help, so don't forget to quote us or others should you wish feedback from specific members.

<3 Please enjoy <3

Yours truly,