Hello again, and welcome to the Sit'n Read Fluid Recording thread!

The name of this thread may sound a bit odd, so you may not understand right away what this thread is all about. This thread keeps track of the members activity and "achievements" within this subforum.

Members who have done a certain amount of posts, members who have helped out other members in need of feedback, members who have developed the most, etc. will all be listed in this thread.

As time goes by and usage of this subforum (hopefully) grows, more uses of this thread may reveal.


- First! -
First member to post in this Sub-Forum


- Hyper-active -
Most active user so far.


- Butterfingers -
Needs a new keyboard... or maybe a glossary.

[No winner yet]

- Grammar Nazi -
Corrected the most grammar-faults so far.

[No winner yet]

- Aspiring Author -
Improved the most.

[No winner yet]

- Flawless Victory -
Wrote the most posts with zero or close-to-none misspellings.


- Master Sensei Kawaii Desu-Senpai-Sama-San-Desu-chan-Sama-Kun-Hime -
I can't take this guy seriously.

[No winner yet]

- Teacher -
Gave the most feedback

[No winner yet]

- Simply Hippo-Tastic! -
Succesfully write a piece of literature that could fool anyone to think that Vruez wrote it.

[No winner(s) yet]

- This Tastes like Lollipop -
Succesfully write a piece of literature that could fool anyone to think that Poppihollapuddelz wrote it.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Going Clone -
Succesfully write a piece of literature that could fool anyone to think that GoingRogue wrote it.

[No winner(s) yet]

- I Went For The Million-Dollar Record -
Defeat Poppihollapuddelz and HoppiPollaConpuzzled in terms of literature in this sub-forum.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Eggman Was Here -
Made a likeable Mary Sue or Gary Stu character.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Aizen Was Here -
Made a Mary Sue or Gary Stu character that we can all righteously hate - and love him/her for it.

[No winner(s) yet]

- You're Doing It Wrong -
Attained 2 or more of the more... negative achievements.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Take Your Time -
Craft a thread of literature filling an entire page.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Not Done yet -
Craft a thread of literature filling two pages.

[No winner(s) yet]

- This Guy is Legit -
Craft a thread of literature filling three pages.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Serious Business -
Craft a Thread of literature filling four pages.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Ok, Hold On, This is gettin' Crazy -
Craft a Thread of literature filling five pages.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Are You Writing A Novel? -
Craft a thread of literature filling ten whopping pages.

[No winner(s) yet]

- I'm Re-Writing the Bible -
Craft a thread of literature filling twenty(!) pages.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Novice Author -
Write a total of 10 posts or pieces of literature.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Adept Author -
Write a total of 20 posts or pieces of literature.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Amazing Author -
Write a total of 30 posts or pieces of literature.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Superior Author -
Write a total of 40 posts or pieces of literature.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Master Author -
Write a total of 50 posts or pieces of literature.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Grand-Master Author -
Write a total of 60 posts or pieces of literature.

[No winner(s) yet]

- Somebody needs a life -
Write a total of 100 posts or pieces of literature.

[No winner(s) yet]

- God of Literature -
Write a total of 200 posts or pieces of literature (you sick b*****d).

[No winner(s) yet]