Me and my Homies have been getting Harrassed by the cops due to the dumbass FBI gang report that labeled us Juggalos and Juggalettes gang members. But in spite of all that,

My Homie D says Whoop Whoop, we all gotta stick together. My Homie Deliverance also wanted me to say something, but he was way to high to make a coherent sentence, and my Lette asked me to tell ya, Don't let the ******** bullshit the Government, the bunch of rich bitches, did so they could get more money take anyone of us away from the Fam.

And in closing MMFWCL From,
The Fam in the middle of a boonies that has a s**t load of Biggots in it*

*The Boonies we live in has the biggots.