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[PRP] Never at Peace (Soren/Neru)

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Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:56 am
The day had started much like any other day for hte dark skinned priestess. She'd woken, prepared for the day, dressed, and left her tent on the mind set of heading down to the river to get some fresh water for herself and for whomever cared to claim what she could carry in the spare jug she planned to fill. It might not have been much in the way of progressive rebuilding, but at least it was something, and she fully intended to go out gathering later should another opportunity to help out not present itself. Nergui could be a selfish individual, but she understood the dire situation at hand, and she wasn't above doing her part for the greater good. Besides, the quicker they all worked, the sooner things would begin to return to.. If not normal, then comfortably routine?

Everything had been fine until she'd reached the water's edge and spied her own reflection in gently rippling surface. Her veil had slipped, and the whole of her face was very visible(though it wasn't as though the sheer fabric provided any actual cover, but logic be damned in the minds of the infected). For the space of heartbeat she did nothing but stare at herself, focus directed in full to her single glowing eye.

The constant background noise of incomprehensible murmuring picked up in volume, no longer merely an ignorable annoyance, and yet still not clear enough to understand. But as always, the tone rang through clear, and she grit her teeth as the whispers took on a particularly accusatory flavor.

Had she not been clenching her jaw so tightly she might very well have screamed, but the only sound that was allowed to escape was a frustrated, desperate sort of whine, punctuated by the soft thud of her knees hitting packed earth and the two metal jugs falling after. She huddled around herself, hands clamped over her ears as if that had any hope of drowning out the incessant chattering that never quieted. "Stop it," she managed to force out after a moment, voice incredibly strained. "Stop it!"

She'd tried pleading, it didn't work. Neither did orders or demands. Nothing helped. Nothing but company or distraction. Anything to pull her infected mind away from itself and onto some or someone else.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:36 am
The day had started much like any other day for the guardian. After waking he got ready, ate, and then set about trying to see if anyone had anything they needed him to do. He helped someone move a particularly large rock out of the way for a solider before taking a leisurely shortcut near the river, in no rush to find his next task. Of course, he could have been working on his own residence, finding a place that was livable and working to find lumber or some other material to make the structure. Getting some sort of shop set up, something to officially work from. But for now other clansmen needed him, and no one was settled as of yet. How could he really think about charging others for his services when they were all in such need?

A sound cut through his thoughts, instantly recognizable. Metal clanging on metal. It was not the sharp, clear sound that most weapons would give, but it was still there, and close by. He was reacting on instinct when he turned, but even as he headed there he knew it was the right thing. Curiosity or concern, either way he would discover the source of the noise. His pace only quickened when he thought he heard a voice, a female voice, pleading for it to stop.

He came into view and stumbled to a stop, looking around for an enemy. All he could see was a female, who by dress and by unclear memories he believed to be a priestess. That alone put him more at edge, until he saw the metal jugs. Could they have been the source of the clanging? Either way he needed the answers, and there was only one who could supply them. She was on her knees, clutching at her ears, and it pained him to see a Priestess in this state. They were what kept the Clan of Death together, they were powerful, strong, in ways that not even guardians could be. A surge of anger washed through him at whatever it was that forced one of their few remaining priestesses into this state. Whatever it was, he would take care of it. That was what guardians did, they took care of priestesses, even if this one was not his. It was only too real a possibility that if she had a guardian to care for her that they were gone, but with the troubles that they all faced that merely meant that they needed to pick up what tasks they could to help each other.

He made his way to her quickly, not sure if he should reach out to touch her or not. But her ears were covered, and he did not want to yell at her when she was already, obviously, upset. Reaching out with his non-gauntleted hand he placed his massive paw of a hand on her arm lightly, just trying to draw her attention to him. "Priestess? May I be of any assistance to you?"



Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:57 am
She didn't hear him approach, not over the confusing jumble of voices that rang out through her mind, and especially not with her hands pressed so very tightly over her ears. A passing giant could have crossed her path, and Nergui would have been completely oblivious. The Insanity was consuming, and right that moment the priestess was lost to it's influence. "No no nonono.." She had seen the full scale effects of the infection, their protector of famine, Cymbaline. The former heir was, without a doubt, absolutely mad, and no matter how much the priestess respected her, she certainly had no desire to end up like her. "Get out of my head, get out!"

Through the chaotic mingling of whispers a single voice rang clear, for the first time. Just come home. And Nergui's eyes snapped open, a scream of protest bubbling in her throat before a touch on her shoulder jerked her head up and the sound changed into a startled gasp.

All at once the voices stopped, chased away by the smooth baritone of the horsemen kneeling before her. He'd asked her a question, but she could do little but stare up at him for a moment or two. He'd caught her off guard, not something she usually thanked a person for, but he'd also pulled her back from the brink, and for that at least she was grateful.

"You already have assisted me," she answered carelessly, then winced as her own words came back to her. Straightening, she reached automatically for her veil and tugged it carefully into place, the lacy fabric falling to cover her right eye and the tell tale glow that came from it. It did little to hide the signs of Insanity, but Nergui had become something of master at self delusion where that was concerned. Just another sign of how progressive the infection was.

"I mean, if you would like to help me, you could find the jugs I dropped and fill them for me." It wasn't a very smooth recovery, but it would have to do. At least she'd managed to hold onto her manners, even under stress. "You're a guardian?" He certainly looked the part. Large and muscled, scars marking his face. If not a guardian, then something familiar with battle. She herself had never attached herself to one of their ranks, having never found an individual she felt was a good enough match.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:45 pm
It was distressing to find a priestess in such a state. Get out of my head and other incomprehensible noises spilled from her throat. The way that she jerked, a sure sign that she had not noticed his approach, though he could not have been completely silent. What all of this was leading to was that something was not right. As he looked at her it was impossible not to notice the yellowed eye that glowed back at him. Just one, similar to Lifen, though the color was reminiscent of Senga's as well. He did his best not to stare at it, trying not to focus on the golden hue that demanded his attention, and rather on her instead.

She seemed to be trying to hide it, and he knew now that it was nothing to draw attention to. It was something he would simply have to dwell on on his own. He had never seen so many golden eyes among the horsemen, and was beginning to see other similaries among some of them that were unusual, and far too prominent. But he knew not what the signs meant, could not be sure it if was affecting her reaction to him or not.

He had barely spoken to her but she was assuring him that he had somehow helped her. If all she required was someone to talk with...he was a much better listener than a talker. It was almost with relief that she gave him an actual task to accomplish. It was a seemingly menial task, but he was willing to do it. He stood and moved past her toward the jugs, they had moved slightly but really were not too far off. He had barely scooped them up when her question cut through the silence to him.

"I am." He was moving toward the water, close enough to it that he was not out of earshot, and his low voice able to carry easily as he began to fill them. He was doing his best to give her a bit more to work with, seeing as she seemed to think that his talking had somehow helped. "There isn't much guarding to do here."

Sorry for the delay!


Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:43 am
Weary eyes followed the guardian as he retrieved the jugs she'd dropped and bent by the water to fill them. How much had he seen? How much did he know? The unanswered questions left her frowning to herself, but as he answered her spoken question she felt her nerves settling, seemingly one at a time. He hadn't asked about her senseless babbling, or the glow of her eye while it had been visible. Surely he would have had he any idea what was going on. Surely..

Shaking her head cleared away some of the nagging doubts, and she instead focused on the other horsemen, dark brows lifting as his statement. "No, I would say not." Lips pursed, then she continued, rather bluntly. "Do you have a priestess of your own to watch?" Nergui was a very straightforward, very honest individual. She didn't waste time with sugarcoating things, or beating around bushes. She wasn't beyond sympathy, but she would not let idle sentiment stand in the way of gaining knowledge. It painted her as cold, when she was merely very practical.

With unnecessary care the priestess swept dark palms along her thighs, smoothing the falls of dark skirts that covered her legs. She was watching the man as he finished her task, taking in everything she had failed to when he'd first wrenched her attention from the chaotic whispers in her head. She'd noted his height before, but now that she took a moment to really look at him she could fully appreciate how very large he was. Built like a tower, he was impressive.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:13 pm
Really, the priestess was lucky. Whatever his suspicions were he had no definitive answer for what might be plaguing her. The first jug had been filled and he set it to the side when her question cut through him. For just a moment he watched as water slowly began to swirl into the second jug as he dipped it in, taking a slow but deep breath. It was supposed to get easier.

"I did." Soren too was straightforward, though he truly aimed for the shortest path, conserving his words around those that did not know or inspire him to speak more. But this was another priestess, and one that seemed to be struggling. If he tried, he could do better than this. "Astridr." She might recognize the name, though considering that Astridr had not been extremely important so far as priestesses had went, a bookish mare that had not sought to move up any social ladders or anything along those lines.

"She wanted me to help the students," he informed her, not really trying to justify why he was alive and her destroyed, simply attempting to explain. It was not right that the students had survived while she had been utterly destroyed, but that was how things were. The second jug was full and he picked both up before straightening and returning to the side of the stranger, stooping back down to set them on the ground a short distance from her. "I'm Soren."



Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:48 am
Nergui was watching as her kinsman filled the jugs, and she saw the effect her question had on him. She didn't need his assurance after that, the answer was written clear as day on his features and body as it tensed. He'd had a priestess, and he'd lost her. Having never attached herself to a guardian, Nergui couldn't possibly imagine how that felt, but she suspected that sort of lose to leave it's mark.

She hadn't meant to cause the other horseman pain of any kind, but she wasn't sorry she'd asked either. It was clear the tall man was one of few words, and it seemed he'd offer fewer still on the subject of the priestess he'd lost. Nergui could respect that. She'd gotten her answer, and really that was enough, she wasn't going to pry further. He surprised her though by offering more on the subject, and the dark skinned mare listened intently. The name, while familiar, couldn't be placed with a face. Not someone Nergui had had many dealings with, if at all.

"She was very kind then," the mare offered at Soren's explanation, tone carefully neutral. They'd all been asked to help the students, but some had done more then others. In the end it hadn't mattered what they'd done, it was luck that had saved the ones that had survived, nothing else.

Bi-colored eyes watched the guardian return to her side with the jugs, and she watched him set them on the ground before returning his attention to her. "Soren, it's nice to meet you." And despite the circumstances, it was. He might have found her in an odd state, but he hadn't questioned her about it, and by simply being there he'd managed to calm the senseless babble that had been raging inside her head. She didn't what it was, but the priestess found his presence almost alarmingly calming. Perhaps his role in their society as a guardian. Nergui didn't know, and for once she wasn't keen to pick at the 'whys'. "I'm Nergui."

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:43 am
"You as well," he agreed. Perhaps it was a stranger meeting than most that he had had, but it was not as strange as meeting, fore example, Senga. That was a colt that had more than a few oddities. And the priestess, Nergui, seemed better. Her actions when he had first seen her were concerning, but seeing her able to go through the pleasantries of meeting someone were a sign that if she was well per say, she was able to deal with whatever it was that was bothering her. It bothered him, but it was not really his place to press her for answers.

He straightened before he extended a hand to help her up if she wished to accept the offer, though if she wanted to stay seated at the edge of the water he would not push her. "Do you want me to carry those back?" He asked with a nod to the jugs. They had weight to them, and while there were no physical signs of her being incapable of doing the task herself if he could save her from it he would. Such a task would not phase him in the least. Whatever she chose he would follow along with her wishes, he could show his respect to the priestesses of his clan in this small way.

He regarded the jugs thoughtfully for a moment. "Our ranks are depleted. If you need help, find me. I'll do what I can." It was nothing binding, nothing to say that he had to help her, or that she ever needed to seek him out. It was simply an offer of assistance, cooperation. Something that the few remaining owed to each other. It felt right.



Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:01 am
Their pleasant exchange of greetings was enough to chase away what remained of the horsewoman's frown, and she looked up at the guardian with the smallest of smiles as she took that offered hand and let him pull her up to her feet. She was plenty fit enough, but Nergui had no lost pride to reclaim. It cost her nothing to take Soren's offered help. The voices, already hushed to a murmur, quieted even further at her touch, and left her blinking up at him as she reclaimed her hand. Dark fingers slide over her skirt once she was on her feet, smoothing the lighter material along her thighs so it fell neatly. She gave her veil a careful tug, pulling it more securely in place, then turned her luminous regard back up to the stallion beside her. She didn't know what it was about him that served to muffle the chaos in her mind, but she was certainly keen to find out. "If you would be so kind, yes."

She waited for him, ready to fall into step beside the guardian so she could lead him back to where she was staying, then stared up at him a second later when he offered his services to her. Nothing close to the bond their roles could share, but a genuine offer of assistance whenever she needed, and the first she'd received since they'd been forced onto these unfamiliar lands.

"That's kind of you." Heterchromic eyes lingered on his face, searching for any hint of insincerity, but there was none there. "I appreciate that." There were few of their remaining kin that she knew, fewer still she cared to spend any real time with. Soren was unique. Tolerable, strong, and very obviously loyal. A Guardian besides. Not to mention the strange effect he had over the voices. Perhaps it was that he was a guardian. Or something far more simple as possessing a peaceful mind. Regardless, Nergui was happy for the excuse to seek him out in the future. His assistance, physical or otherwise, could serve invaluable.

"Shall we go then?" Slender fingers gestured forward, indicating the path. Perhaps she'd offer him tea when they returned. She wasn't entirely willing to let him out of her sight just yet.

One more from Soren aught to do it, ya?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:24 pm
Nergui seemed to care about her appearance somewhat, making sure that everything was in place as she stood. He was not sure if it was the need for everything to be in order, simple habit, or a way to sweep away nerves, but there was no need to press her for answers.

Soren stood next to the dark skinned priestess, waiting for her decision. When she accepted his offer he crouched down, picking up the two jugs, lifting them easily and ready to follow her. It was easy to fall into step, just a half-step behind her so that she could lead but he was still walking next to Nergui rather than trailing after her. "Of course Priestess."

There were things that could be done to continue rebuilding, but for now, there was a priestess beside him, and even if the task seemed simple and mundane...he enjoyed assisting her. So until she dismissed him he would likely stay by her side, just enjoying the fact that he could be useful again.

Finishing tag~


Alarming Consumer

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