This is for Florida residents ONLY. Unless you frequently go to Florida conventions... Well, you're SOL here :/

My cosplay groups are looking for experienced and accurate cosplays only. As admin, I will be the one to decide whether it is acceptable or not. If you don't have the cosplay yet, then you need to make that known. That being said, your spot will not be fully reserved if someone already has the cosplay.

The cosplay groups, if successful, will be meeting up at conventions, setting up skits, etc.

Resident Evil Corporation - Florida Branch: We have only 2 open slots for Umbrella OCs here, but we allow every character from the Resident Evil series. Movie cosplays other than the animated ones are not accepted.

American McGee's Alice:
Every dress from Madness Returns, every character from the two games, the works.

Batman: If you're as obsessed with Batman as I am, you want a DEDICATED cosplay group. We accept all variations of characters, whether they be from the movies, Arkham series, comics, etc.

To apply, send me a PM with the following:

Group Applying To:
Character You Have in Mind:
Picture (If Available):

If you are accepted, then I will send you the Facebook link to each group. While Resident Evil has nearly 20 members, the Batman and Alice groups have yet to really get off the ground.