This rolelay will be done with three peole. Me as Vanilla, Coco-Lovey as Coco and we await a master to take the third role ;D
Name: Vanilla Parfait (whitishpink hair)

Age: 15

Height: 5.6

Persona: Vanilla is the fairly shy type and can often be a quiet person along with her sister. Despite the fact of being virgin her whole life so far she is a very romantic Uke. Being fairly interesed in romance she still is more of the catcher than pitcherin the game of love. She is fairly romantic but is waiting for the right one to make the commitment too, will it be you?

History: Vanilla grew up captvated in her home indoors playing with her sister in the morning and sipping tea eating parfaits in the afternoon and frolicking around the house with coco the rest. They had a joyful life growing up as childeren yet all of that was t b shattered into pieces after there parents died of a ainful death by murder. As 15 year olds there was no way to support themselves but become slaves. Turning there world upsidown.

Current Master: No ine yet ;-;

Collar Color: White

Charms: White feather, Dove, Egg, Peacock


User Image

Name: Coco Parfait (Black Hair)

Age: 15

Height: 5.7

Persona: Coco is a shy and Timid slave. She's comfortable only around her twin, Vanilla. When you get her to open up to you that means you must be a pretty special person in her life. She isn't a deep-into-romance person like her sister, but she is interested in it. Coco is part cat, so she'll act like one. Such as purring, jumping, playing, licking etc.

History: Coco and her sister Vanilla have been prepped and taken care of inside a home all their lives. One day their home was attacked, along with all the other residents' homes. The twins were sold for slavery as a pair, never bought yet. Will you be the one for these sweet girls?

Current Master: N/A

Collar Color: White

Charms: White feather/Dove/Egg/Swan