It seemed that all the royal couples in Tianxia were getting married and suddenly Sida felt as though she was under much pressure. It was the kind of pressure she wasn’t sure she was ready to handle. The idea of marriage terrified the brown lioness and though she had grown quite comfortable around her consort she knew that deep down, she was not ready to full commit to him.

She had too many things that she needed to do! Too much to learn and so much she had yet to experience.

In truth the heiress of the south was afraid that with marriage she would be expected to quickly conceive and produce an heir. While she wasn’t quite the Lady of the South she knew that there had always been hushed rumors about her grandmother. Rumors about how she had never taken a mate, how she had children without a father and how she had chosen a b*****d child as her heir. Sida was worried that she would cave under pressure and not live up to the legacy that Lady Ming had set.

The young adult was envious of all that her grandmother had accomplished, all that she had done one her own and she fretted that she would never be as successful. That she would let the rumors and accusations get the better of her.

She worried that she would not be strong enough to lead and that marriage would be the first step into a downward spiral.

“You worry too much,” a masculine voice chided behind her. The lioness whipped her back, eyes narrowed in irritation.

“Since when did you learn to read me so well?” She asked, sarcasm dripping in her tone as she found herself face to face with her consort.

“Since I began to spend so much time around you,” he replied coolly, a playful smile on his lips. Their relationship was certainly a rocky one but Jiùxīng had grown fond of his betrothed even though it seemed she was still uncertain of their future union. “You know I have the tendency to pay close attention to details,” he reminded her. “What’s wrong?”

Sida sighed knowing her abrasive nature toward the pale lion was unwarranted. She just hated being caught off guard and he seemed to do that to her quite a bit. “The pressure for us to wed, and the pressure of what is expected after we wed is a bit...much. I suppose you can say that with all the weddings that have commenced I feel that many expect us to follow suit.”

Jiu chuckled stepped towards her, “Relax Sida, no one is expecting you to do anything that you are not ready for.” He had been spending much time around Lady Ming who often expressed her concern for her successor and her constant worries. “You aren’t even the Lady of the South yet, you have plenty of time to worry about things after you succeed Lady Ming,” he assured her moving close enough to lightly bump her shoulder.

If she could blush, the lioness certainly would of at the tender and brief contact made by her consort. Without thinking she moved away, turning her head from him as to hide her embarrassed expression. Sida had never been smooth when it came to matters of the heart. “How can you be so calm about this?” She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jiu invaded her personal space again, he had long since gotten over his shyness around her, and pushed his nose into her cheek. While he had been uncertain about their arranged marriage at first he had long since grown past it. He hadn’t told her yet, but he was certain that this was how things were meant to be. “Because I have faith in you my lady,” he told her stepping back so he could see her face. “I know that you are destined for greatness and I am just along for the ride,” he assured her, a soft caring smile on his face.

Again she shied away from his simple gestures of affection. “How do you do that?” She asked amazed as his certainty.

“Do what?”

“Have so much faith in something that isn’t certain,” she replied, brows furrowing together in confusion. Again she wondered how she happened to find someone to be her consort that had no problem easing away her concerns. “You sound like my grandmother. Both of you have too much faith in me.”

Jiu laughed softly. “It’s really not that difficult Sida, Lady Ming and I both see the potential you have, you just need to see it.” It was around the dark brown lioness that he was at such ease. She was the only one that he was informal with, though when in company he was much more respectful. He only wished that she could be at ease with him as he was with her. “You just need to stop fretting already. Lady Ming stand strong along her decision to have you as her heir, she cares little what others have to say because she knows what is needed for her house and that’s you. Trust me.”

Golden eyes studied him before a smile broke out across her features. “Okay.”


“I trust you,” she stated stepping toward him and burying her nose into his neck. For the first time since their engagement Sida felt confident and comfortable. She was sure that with Jiu beside her she would have the strength to take on anything thrown at her. It was comforting to know that there was someone besides her grandmother that had as much faith in her as she wished everyone else did.

“You’ll be great,” he assured, quick to take advantage of their close proximity to nuzzle her neck. She was hardly ever one to engage in the physical aspect of their relationship so he was quick to snatch up any opportunity she presented him with.

“No, we will be great,” she corrected him pulling back just enough to look him in the eye. “I think my grandmother made the right choice in my consort,” she told him, laughing.

He rolled his eyes at her and pulled away, bumping her shoulder with his. “Come, you have your lessons to attend to.”

She shook her head at him and fell into step beside him. “Always quick to get me back on track.”

“Of course, it’s part of my duty,” he reminded her.

“Of course, your duty...”