Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Reaver Of Souls Raziel

... brb, gonna be in the bathroom for awhile, don't ask why, maybe you're just so cute, its sickening

Go blow it up. I'll take this little nap while you're gone. XD

I think I'm coming down with something...

D: Oh no...

So many people are coming down with something lately. Its like a chain reaction of a sort. Strange seeing that I just gotten better from being sick for about two weeks.

Regarding Tumblre... I am hoping so. I was surprised to find one related to Castlevania. -w-

I'm going to take a moment to remark that your Griffin is as cute as s**t. XD

Also, yeah. Surprisingly. It's tumblr you can find ANYTHING on there.

Thank you. xD Its rather one of those pets you don't see very often on an avi - except for a fire griffon. -w-

On the other hand, one can easily get lost if they're first time users of Tumblr. Like myself. *cough*