Why, hello there~ Perhaps you've seen me in the introduction thread, but...eh... maybe not.

Anyway, These are my requirements.... Not preferences. If you don't follow at least half of these, I might just get bored and stop replying. I'm not doing it to be mean. I'm just like that~
-I wish for at least two *decent* paragraphs. This means at least 5 or more sentences each post. I say this because I'm a mirror poster--meaning that I'll post with whatever you give me.
-The drama can NOT revolve around you ALL the time. Try to involve both characters, and I will do the same. Really it all depends on the plot... STILL TRY. o w o
-I don't really care about sob stories. Just... don't over do it. Give them some happy stuff too. One plot I have isn't happy, but it's a very important plot that my friend said he wanted me to do because he went through it. ><;;
-No God Modding.
-No "My Horse is Bigger Than Yours". This means you cannot always one up my character and I won't do it to you.
-Give your character some faults. It's more fun to have faults.
-USE SPELL CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR. I am a stickler for that stuff. My exceptions are: If you're really tired and make a mistake or you're on your phone. Even then I refuse to put up with texting talk (u, r, ur, etc.), or if you're from somewhere in which English isn't your first language. I can help you with that if you want. :3

See? Not that much. If you do this for me, I promise to go by your wishes as well.

The plot idea I mentioned above is about an abused boy and a helper boy.
Granted when it was my friend, it was a boy and a girl.... I LIKE YAOI BETTER. ; w;

Plus it'll be kind of awkward if I made it too like his real situation. I've changed his name and age and picture, but the bio is the same. So.... this role play is extremely important to me, and I would love to do it.
But if not, I'm open to your ideas.

Can we use real pictures? :3