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Age: 20

Sex: Male

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 135 lbs

Build: Slim

Race: Dark Elf (Drow)

Pets: None

Profession: SpellSword

Bio: Diren is a loner by nature, never seeing the point in surrounding oneself with others. Quiet and aloof, Diren is looked at with a mixture of fear and unease by his fellow students. Having been trained one on one most of his life, the switch to a school atmosphere was a big leap by his family, but it was a request Diren himself made for reasons known only to himself. He is a skilled swordsman, wielding his hefty fangblade one handed. Equally skilled at wielding enchanted objects Diren has earned the title SpellSword. Now he is being sent to the School of Magicae Amentia, where great fighters, magic user and priests have called home and much knowledge is bound in it walls.

Additional Refferences: [by RedTempestt] [By RedTempestt] [By Scion Lovebeat] [By VechnayaNicolai] [By fkcsantaclaus] [By A Nightmare of Eden]

-Descriptive Stats-

White with Lime-green highlights.
Eyes: crimson
Skin: Dark Grey, not black.
Best Hair/Eyes/Skin Coloring Ref: [x]

Outfit #1

Clothing: Tailored and well made, not fancy by usually collared and such, muted colors. You can use the reference outfit above or make up your own.
Outfit Ref: [By VechnayaNicolai]

Spells - Level One: Melee/Magic