Your name is PHEOBE MCGRATH.

You tend to go by your preferred username SHIZUKATHEPUDU or just plain SHIZUKA. You are infatuated by DRAGONS, HOMESTUCK (why else would you be here?), ANIME, MANGA, and VIDEO GAMES.

Your hobbies include DRAWING, READING BOOKS and/or MANGA, WATCHING ANIME, PLAYING VIDEO GAMES, ROLEPLAYING and the OCCASIONAL WRITING FANFICTION, although, you seem to have fallen out of practice with the last hobby over the years.

Your patron troll is EQUIUS ZAHHAK and your favorite troll is KARKAT VANTAS. You have one FANTROLL named VAISHVA HIRAN, who could arguably be either of male or female origin, and a SELF-INSERT CHARACTER who's last name you had to shorten in order to fit better, even though you could've made up a different name for her. Your CHUMHANDLE is creativeChimera, although you have been known to switch to creativeAdroit from time to time. For now, there is only one CHUM who is SPORADICALLY ONLINE but that could change here very soon.

As cre@tiveChimer@, you t@lk like this 6ec@use you just 'effin9 c@n. However, as cr3ativ3Adr0it, you typ3 lik3 this and replac3 0nly tw0 l3tt3rs t0 match y0ur fantr0ll's symb0l.