Three quick things I would like to throw into the thought pool 1. Add prenancy images to the list of things required for breedings 2. On the topic of freebies/gifts/breaks consider than each colorist must do 3 freebies for 1 rafgle pet so raffle proceeds, while high, are 1/4 what they seem.
3. Lastly, I know there have been cases in the past where breesings are VERY late in being dropped, but please at the same time have reasonable expectations. If you would like your breedings to follow the proper timeline for pregnancy>>basket>>growth consider waiting a little longer to get your pregnancy photo. Lets say a colorist rolls 3 breedings, with 2 baskets esch. They do the 3 pregnancy images timely so you can put them in your sigs. That means to stay on time they must color 6 adults (with edits possibly) 6 foals and 6 baskets within a week. Most colorists try to have all stages done before dropping baskets. So have *some* leniency between timely bellies and/or timely baskets.
I honestly wouldn't mind if the growing chart lengths change a bit to be a bit longer in all honesty. Totally off-topic I know from the thread at current. But with as busy as I am, I don't get a whole lot of time to play with the pregnant/basket/foal stage if they are all grown on time. And back-tracking and having back-dated rp's starts to hurt my head after awhile. So many times I hardly get a chance to play with the early stages. As long as it doesn't take a gazillion months between stages, I wouldn't mind a bit of an increase in time between stages.
Also, if it would help the colorists, I wouldn't mind if the pregnancy stage be eliminated completely. Yeah preggeh bellehs are cute, but this way it's one less thing for the colorist to deal with. Or if we keep the pregnant image, make the time in which stages are dropped, a bit longer from like pregnancy to basket drop, at the very least so the colorists have a bit more time to get all the stages done and not feel rushed and be burning themselves out.
But back to the topic at hand, after the reading of the posts. Maybe a bit of a price increase wouldn't be to terribly insane. Nothing incredibly drastic, because there are those of us that like to cover breedings for everyone in a breeding raffle, even though it's not required to, but I love being nice. <3 If they jumped up to like 50k, I wouldn't be able to cover everyone's, but something like 30-35k wouldn't be to terribly bad. It's still a fairly easy amount to achieve for those that don't have a lot of time to spend on gaia to earn gold, an amount that wouldn't be to bad for those of us that like to cover everyone's breedings, and low enough still to encourage gifting to newbies I would think. Add in a bit of an extended timeline for growings so colorists can get the stages done without feeling rushed and I think that would make everyone a bit happier? @_@
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:36 am
Not all colorists do pregnant certs and uncerts. :3 I know I don't make them unless requested. *finds them a bit fussy to deal with*
But on that topic the supposed to be time span for breedings are;
win slot >>> few days later get preg >>> 1 week later baskets >>> 1 week later foals >>> 2 weeks later adults
Does everyone follow it? No. As slimy said sometimes it's just too hard to make all those pony stages that in a single week. xDD I don't personally follow the "till basket drop" part because I'm really slow, but if I finish everything I try to keep with the rest.
Mobster Goose
Invisible Fairy
Welcoming Ladykiller
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:51 am
I honestly wouldn't mind if the growing chart lengths change a bit to be a bit longer in all honesty. Totally off-topic I know from the thread at current. But with as busy as I am, I don't get a whole lot of time to play with the pregnant/basket/foal stage if they are all grown on time. And back-tracking and having back-dated rp's starts to hurt my head after awhile. So many times I hardly get a chance to play with the early stages. As long as it doesn't take a gazillion months between stages, I wouldn't mind a bit of an increase in time between stages.
Also, if it would help the colorists, I wouldn't mind if the pregnancy stage be eliminated completely. Yeah preggeh bellehs are cute, but this way it's one less thing for the colorist to deal with. Or if we keep the pregnant image, make the time in which stages are dropped, a bit longer from like pregnancy to basket drop, at the very least so the colorists have a bit more time to get all the stages done and not feel rushed and be burning themselves out.
But back to the topic at hand, after the reading of the posts. Maybe a bit of a price increase wouldn't be to terribly insane. Nothing incredibly drastic, because there are those of us that like to cover breedings for everyone in a breeding raffle, even though it's not required to, but I love being nice. <3 If they jumped up to like 50k, I wouldn't be able to cover everyone's, but something like 30-35k wouldn't be to terribly bad. It's still a fairly easy amount to achieve for those that don't have a lot of time to spend on gaia to earn gold, an amount that wouldn't be to bad for those of us that like to cover everyone's breedings, and low enough still to encourage gifting to newbies I would think. Add in a bit of an extended timeline for growings so colorists can get the stages done without feeling rushed and I think that would make everyone a bit happier? @_@
I believe that you can request not getting a preggers version, if you don't want one. :3 You could probably even just include it in your breeding form.
I don't think that people being able to afford your and everyone elses breeding should be an arguing factor in this? If you can't afford to pay for it then don't? ^^ I don't really see people asking for other's to cover their breeding costs, and it's always kinda thrown me off. It's nice of people but I always ended up spazzing a little because I couldn't remember if I was supposed to send that trade or not, or if someone else had decided to take it upon themselves to do it. Where as if I just had to pay it, it'd get done with no worried thoughts afterwards! :3 Making a list of people who don't want you paying for their breedings would just get messy, and everyone would have to share it between themselves and update the whole thing and pm it out again with every person added to it.
And I don't think that it encourages/discourages gifting to newbies? -blinks- People typically know whether they're going to "risk" gifting a basket to a newbie before the parents even breed. I think that we all know how this goes. xD Whether the cost is 12k/30k/50k, isn't really going to be a deciding factor in that. o uo Or maybe it's just the people that I know.
A extended timeline would be just fine! Though I don't really care too much if a colorist is late within reason. It's not a big deal. ^o^
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:53 am
Just personally - I like getting the pregnancy stage pretty quick, because it kind of makes the whole breeding feel more "official" to me.
But I thought (perhaps incorrectly) that the baskets weren't supposed to be dropped until all the stages were complete. So in my mind, the process "should" go:
Win breeding > preggie stage as soon as colorist cares to make it > baskets drop whenever colorist finishes all stages or 1 week, whichever is later > one week for foals > 2 weeks for adults
Again, this is all personal preference but I think the "minimum" time between foals and adults could be longer. Even baskets and foals - getting foals is always exciting but sometimes its good to wait and build the anticipation surprised
But at the same time, I like knowing that when I get my basket, my babies are coming, even if the colorists gets pulled away for Gaia for any reason.
Also, I personally think all colorists should be required to do pregnancy stages OR they should be eliminated completely. I find it kind of weird that its up to colorist to choose to do a breeding stage or not. Like, you couldn't just decide not to the foal stage because its extra work and its a temp file anyway, right? I don't personally see why its any different for preggie stages. If all/most the colorists find them too much to mess with (god know they have enough on their plate) maybe they should just be retired? I dunno, I like them but I know lots of people don't care either way. But it would just be nice to see some uniformity imho.
I think this is kind of off-topic to the thread, so read if you want xD
- personal opinion -
Like how Mobbu said, people work at different rates and do their breedings in different ways. Mobbu doesn't like dropping them until all stages are done. I work backwards sort of. I do an adult flat color, then the preggor/basket stages then the foals and then to shade the adult (since normally that takes the longest so I have the most time to do them).
IF people would like the stages all done beforehand, it would have to make the basket/preggor stage longer. I'm a college student and not even a super busy one (no extra curricular) and I don't think I'd have enough time to everything in less than 2 weeks.
I really do personally feel that the preggor stage is a perk of the shop. It's a new accessory sort of thing being added to an existing pet. Again, personally, I don't think it's that much of a hassle, but I haven't done very many and sometimes I don't think I colored them right. So it's colorist preference (: I really don't feel like it's something 'paid' for when the breeding goes on xD;
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:26 am
Another 2 cents~ (well, more .01)
Regarding the gifting of baskets/hosting contests/etccc in relation to hypothetical changes to how breedings are handled. I can only speak for myself here, obviously, but even a price hike would not dissuade me at all from gifting babies. It's not like I or the player of my soquili's breeding partner can keep the third anyway? The only potential change I see happening is people perhaps being more selective with where their baskets go... but isn't everyone pretty picky about that in the first place? (I know I am!)
Regarding pregnancy pics... they've always struck me as being an adorable perk. And as the worlds slowest RPer, far be it from me to comment on the timeliness of stage arrivals! I've waited in excess of a year for pets from this shop before, and trust me I was not fussed. Good things come in time, as they say. <3
Celeanor Crew
Dangerous Hunter
Mobster Goose
Invisible Fairy
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:11 am
I do think the pregnancy image is cute as well, since not many shops think about doing it. It's a nice little perk for rps and stuff. :3
My thoughts on pregnancy stages and why I don't do them, since I think it's only really something I dont do. :3
I personally stopped because, while simple coloring is fine, when it gets to having intricate markings/detail or even clothing or wraps (things that wrap around the belly that I have to redraw to "extend") it's just harder for me trying to "match a style" and I find myself falling short. I remember taking quite a while trying to match the style for a cloth wrap once since anything I did looked wrong.
Since I'm not good at matching other colorists style (especially for edits), I tried before since I used to make pregnancy un/certs, I don't want to give someone a poorly made pregnancy image. I asked mindsend about it and got permission to opt out of them.
So it's less of a reason of "I dont feel like it" but more "I find it difficult/can't do it." xD I should probably work at it.
But even though I opt out I will still make them upon request so it's not like I wont do it completely. :3
Would I say everyone should not do it because of me? Haha of course not. xD;
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:55 pm
in my shop ... we offer pregnancy as an option... if someone really wants it... they just let me know. it is an added perk, and it's nice... I don't mind extending the wait... and upping the price a little on breedings isn't a bad thing... but to the extent of more than 50k... i think you are going to find alot of people walking away from this shop... purely because they cannot afford it. I "heard" someone say If you can't then don't... I don't think that is fair... and almost seems like an elitist point of view. actually reminds me Of Marie Antonettes (mispercived) quote... when the french said they were hungry, and needed some flour for bread... she responds ... "let them eat cake" Meaning... all people are asking (And i hear it alot) is for an AFFORDABLE chance to have baskets. Not everyone can gain money by coloring, most people play gaia... because it's a FREE and FUN social network. That is why people USED to gather around Soquili, because it was free timely and affordable. I do love that they re did the prices on the customs... making them WAY more affordable, and I do understand upping the prices of breeding. BUT most of the USERS here are US right now... and with the economy here in the tank (and sorry it is indeed in the hole) we cannot spend HOURS upon hours trying to get gold, buy gc, etc... because we have to work on jobs and life just to survive. In the end... I can see all sides... i really can... but at the same time, I think this would be a bad move for soquili if they choose to up prices on anything atm.
Like I said. I honestly wouldn't care if the time between preggo and baskets was longer if it meant all the other stages were on time. Because you can't do a lot with baskets. Foals and adults are what get RP'd.
In my previous post I feel like people took it as me saying colourists need to follow the timeline. I didn't say that at all. I understand it's a lot of work and I simply said we shouldn't have to wait months and months and months for one stage and months and months and months for another(and even then, I only said this if the price was 500k a pop). And then offered the solution of extending the timeline.
If all stages are coloured before baskets are dropped I think it's.. well in the long run it's a little easier for colourists, IMO. At least if RL stuff happens they don't have to worry 'oh this person is waiting on this blah blah blah'. They can just let someone on staff know and they can drop the stages as time comes along.
As for preggo images.. I have always RP'd my soq as pregnant. Granted, I've only had two preggos, but I'll do the same with all the others. Making it an optional thing might be a good idea so those of us that do like to RP them pregnant can do so. Because without them, according to the shop rules, we can't RP our soq as pregnant even though they have to be pregnant to give birth.
And raising the prices to an amount where people don't want to pay for breedings for people anymore just.. doesn't seem right. I can't quite put my finger on it.. But people should have the option to do something nice. Who are we to take it away from them?
inb4 'they still have the option!' If they can't afford it, they don't have the option. Simple as that.
Don't get me wrong, I think there are some people who may not pay for breedings anymore if the price is increased - even if only by a few k. But that should be their choice because they simply don't want to anymore; not because they can't.
In my opinion 50k is an achievable amount, even for those that don't have a lot of time on Gaia. Especially since slots are so few and far between (even when they're regular, you don't win a slot every day of every month equaling up to millions of gold). Borrow from your custom funds and then spend time booty grabbing to build those up again. And vice versa. I don't think, in the grand scheme of things, 50k (that is, 25k per parent) is asking a lot considering how much people are willing to pay in customs and auctions and raffles and everything else that costs and arm and a leg here.