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Color Me Fubar

Celebrating Wife

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:20 am
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:21 am
The Explorers
~In Progress~

User ImageUsername: Color Me Fubar
Character Name: Cain Handai
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Species/Rank: Human / Whatever he feels like
The man loves to eat
Serious Cain
Cain and Reyes
Height: 6'2"
Bio: The only boy with a lot of domineering older sisters, he ran for the hills as soon as he could fend for himself and never looked back. He's got a checkered past and has worked for and against the law at points. Nothing too terrible, but he's hardly squeamish. He got paid by some scientists to go on an expedition for Atlantis, and while he thinks the whole idea is stupid, money's money.
Personality: Cain's a bit of an odd duck, not that he cares. For the most part, he's quite apathetic about anything going on around him, even if it involves him. As long as it doesn't make more work for him, he's fine with it. He enjoys fights, but likes eating and sleeping more. Anything having to do with children - at least, not annoying ones - or defenseless victims gets under his skin. He'll go save them, sure, but he'd b***h the entire time about it. Cain's also very, very hard to startle or surprise, he takes almost everything in stride. He hates drama and despises females who always need to be rescued or want a man to save them. He also hates being bothered and - it's easier to list what he does like: eating, sleeping, being left alone, and fighting. The man's got a hero inside there somewhere, he just does his best to smother it with doughnuts.
Abilities: He's a water mage, but rarely uses his talent. He prefers to settle things with his fists, or his sword, or a few kicks. He's an excellent fighter, fast and able to think on his feet. He also apparently has a bottomless stomach.


User ImageUsername: Navashuryn
Character Name: Doctor Jonathan Llewellyn
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species/Rank: Human/Lead Scientist
Doctor Llewellyn
Casual Jonathan
Height: 5'11"
Bio: The Llewellyns are an old noble family, dating back to ancient Wales, where it is said they have connections to Welsh royalty. Whether or not this is true has been pretty much lost in time, but it is something that has been passed down from generation to generation, that they should be proud of their heritage. They are also very wealthy, having more than enough money to fund an expedition... or two... or five... Who's really counting? This is why the two siblings were able to study whatever the hell they felt like without having to worry about things like "college funds" and the like. Jonathan was pretty much a child prodigy, having always been able to learn things relatively quickly. He was so brilliant that he started college at the age of twelve, obtaining his first Master's Degree at the age of fifteen, and his first Doctorate at the age of sixteen. This pattern continued for several more years, the elder Llewellyn collecting degree after degree like trophies or something; he just couldn't seem to stop learning.
Personality: Jonathan is a very practical man, never really being one to go for "flights of fantasy", as he likes to call them. He has his feet planted firmly in the ground, thank you very much. It is all about science for him, and rationality; if something doesn't make sense to him, then it probably isn't real, in his way of thinking. There has to be an explanation for everything for him. He doesn't suffer fools and idiots lightly; he actually goes out of his way to make idiots feel their stupidity. All this is done with perfect manners, of course. He comes from a long line of aristocrats, after all! Some might see this as being egotistical, but really... with a brain like he has, as well as his upbringing, who could really blame him for having such strong confidence in himself? The only person he truly cares about is his "baby sister", whom he adores and could basically do no wrong in his eyes. How else could one explain his presence on this expedition otherwise? He doesn't actually believe Atlantis truly exists, after all; if it does, then it is most likely at the bottom of the ocean, by his way of thinking. It is a blessing to him that his sister is actually just about as intelligent as he is, even with her odd... "ideas". Though, to be honest, he would love her anyways, even if she were as "dumb as a rock"; her being smart just makes it easier on him in the long run. He is very protective of her, and anyone who forgets this and does anything to hurt her or her feelings... Let's just say they regretted their actions and leave it at that.
Abilities: Jonathan possesses an highly intelligent mind and is able to work his way through the most difficult puzzles with ease. He possesses several degrees, mostly dealing with some form of science or math; he even possesses a degree (or was that a few?) in medicine, so he can actually be considered a doctor in more than just name. He is a skilled marksman, well able to take care of himself in times of danger. He also possesses this inane ability to make people feel their own shortcomings to their very core, often leaving people in various states of depression...


User ImageUsername: Navashuryn
Character Name: Professor Tegan Llewellyn
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species/Rank: Human/Scholar
Professor Llewellyn
Tegan is lost in a book again.
"Yay! Books!" emotion_kirakira
Height: 5'3"
Bio: Tegan was a sickly child, having been born with a weak heart. As such, she couldn't go outside and play like a normal child could. So, instead she read... and read... and read some more. It helped her cope with her loneliness, as well as all the medical procedures she had to endure growing up. The very first book she was given was one about the story of Atlantis, which is why she became so... obsessed with finding it. It became her life-long quest, in fact. Luckily, she was born to a rich and highly supportive (if a bit overly protective at the same time) family. Otherwise, her dream of finding Atlantis would have most likely remained that, a dream.
Personality: Tegan is a bit of a dreamer, sometimes seeming to have her head in the clouds. On top of her sharp intellect, she also possesses a strong imagination. She can often notice things that others won't, or refuse to. She is a lot more open-minded than her brother, believing pretty much anything is possible. She believes in Atlantis, after all, so much so that she actually convinced her brother to start this expedition. She is a bit more... friendly in her approach to other people than her elder sibling is, always more than happy to explain something to someone if they don't understand it... Problem is, her somewhat rambling explanations often leave people even more confused by the time she finishes. Her mind does like to wander from time to time, flittering from one subject to the next, though she can focus on something if someone tells her to. Her enthusiasm often has a tendency to spill out onto to others around her, and she can't help herself but hug the closest person to her when she is truly excited... often with mixed results. She apologizes afterwards, though! It is very hard for anyone to truly stay mad at her for any length of time; her smile has been known to warm even the coldest of hearts. She has a strong love of books, often having to have several around her or else she'll get... slightly depressed. Finding something that she hasn't read is like making a brand new discovery for her, almost akin to discovering Atlantis in all honesty for her, and she has a hard time putting anything down after she starts reading it. She also has a slightly mischievous streak, liking to play practical jokes/pranks on people, only she doesn't always think them through all the way so they sometimes end up... badly. She also has an intense fear of spiders and anything else that could be considered a "creepy crawly", so much so that she will climb up on anyone and anything to get away from them.
Abilities: Tegan has a bit of a photographic memory, able to remember things after only seeing it once, and also possesses several degrees, much like her brother, but hers are in things that she believed she could use on her quest to discover Atlantis. Linguistics (knowing many languages, both modern and old), archaeology, geography and geology, as well as several fields in history; basically any field of study that she could see herself using someday for one reason or another in her search. She also has degrees in astrology and astronomy, those being more out of pleasure than anything else; she does have a bit of a thing about stars. She also possesses the ability to make people feel really good about themselves, even cheering them up when they are the most depressed, often using this ability on people who have fallen victim to her brother's sharp tongue. In a way, she is the "antidote" to his "venom".

Color Me Fubar

Celebrating Wife

22,200 Points
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  • Who's The Boss Now? 300
  • Flatterer 200

Color Me Fubar

Celebrating Wife

22,200 Points
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  • Who's The Boss Now? 300
  • Flatterer 200
PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:23 am
Dinosaur Shifters of Atlantis
~In Progress~

User ImageUsername: Color Me Fubar
Character Name: Azniv Lesoth
Age: 294
Gender: Female
Species/Rank: Lesothosaurus / Herd Dino
I'm so adorable, I'd never hurt you
Young Azniv
No Tears
Always Curious
Height: 4'10" as a human / 3'3" as a dinosaur
Bio: Her life was as peaceful for an herbivore, living in a valley with her herd and doing their best to avoid any of the larger predators. A few decades ago, however, her family began to die one by one, consumed by a sickness. Several disappeared without a trace and it continued until she was the only one left. Her entire herd, including her blood relatives, was gone. So she set out wandering aimlessly, with no particular destination in mind, until she came across a portal that was glowing, heralding the arrival of humans.
Personality: As a herd animal, family is what encompasses everything important to her. The safety of the herd outweighs her own safety and their care is her top priority. Azniv is a very nurturing and gentle creature, a bit on the passive side. She prefers to let others lead, as long as she can trust in their intelligence. When she feels that her 'family's' safety is threatened, however, this little dinosaur becomes quite dangerous and will gladly go after anything that is going to harm them, no matter how much larger they are. Azniv does have a humorous side, but there isn't much that can make her laugh lately. All in all, she puts others before herself in almost any case.
Abilities: Azniv is very, very quick, even in her human form. As a dinosaur, speed is on her side, giving her the edge in evading predators.

User ImageUsername: Navashuryn
Character Name: Reyes Tyrannos
Age: 375
Gender: Male
Species/Rank: Tyrannosaurus Rex Shifter/Solitary Warrior
Serious Reyes
Outfit #1
Outfit #2
"What? I'm eating!"
T-Rex Form
Height: 6'
Bio: Reyes is true to his kind, a complete loner. Sure, he has family... somewhere. They just don't see each other all that often, and usually when they do see each other, they end up fighting. He prefers not having to deal with that. So, Reyes primarily wanders Atlantis, doing whatever he pleases. There are not that many dinosaurs who can stand up to a Tyrannosaur, after all. He vaguely noticed that there were less and less dinosaur shifters around for him to encounter, but didn't really care; they weren't him after all. It was through his wanderings that he eventually came to where a portal to the human world was...
Personality: Reyes is somewhat a loud-mouth, slightly rude, and he has a bit of a temper and he doesn't care who knows it. In fact, no one else's opinion matters to him but his own. He can be somewhat lazy, preferring the easy route in pretty much everything. He loves to eat and be pampered, that's for sure. He is a little bit full of himself... Make that a lot full of himself, and he can be a bit childish, sulking if he doesn't get his way. He enjoys fights, liking the way it gets his blood pumping. He sometimes doesn't know his own strength; he might pull someone completely off their feet when all he intended was to help them up. Despite his faults, Reyes still has a good heart (somewhere), and will probably fight tooth and nail to protect someone he cares about. Problem is, he's never really had someone he particularly cares about. He does get lonely sometimes, even though he wouldn't admit it, and he hates having to hunt for his food, though he will do it if he absolutely has to.
Abilities: Possesses brute strength and sharp teeth, even in human form. Reyes' only true "weakness" are his short arms in dinosaur form. Meh, who needs them?! He's got sharp teeth! He is also a trained warrior, easily able to fight in both human and dinosaur form.

User ImageUsername: Navashuryn
Character Name: Pasha Stegos
Age: 400
Gender: Female
Species/Rank: Stegosaurus Shifter/Herd Warrior
Standing Watch
Peaceful Pasha
Pretty Pasha
Napping Pasha
"I Like the Rain"
Young Pasha
Brother & Sister
Stegosaurus Form
The look says "You have annoyed me."
There is always time for teatime.
Height: 5'8"
Bio: Pasha grew up peacefully amongst her herd, or at least as peacefully as a stegosaurus could grow up. Occasionally, a large carnivore would try their luck against their kind, and they would fight them off. She had an older brother that she looked up to and adored. He was her idol, and she followed everything he taught her. Then, one day he wasn't there anymore, disappearing without a trace. Not long after that, many of her herd mates got sick and died. Others more disappeared without a trace, just like her brother did. Before she knew it, she was all alone, the last of her relatively small herd. And yet she remained where the herd once roamed, hoping against hopes that her lost brother and those of her herd that had disappeared would one day return for her. She had no way of predicting that it would be humans she would be seeing first.
Personality: Even though she is a fighter, Pasha is more of a pacifist than anything, believing in fighting only when absolutely necessary. Tranquil, calm, and polite, it takes a whole lot to bother her; usually, she would prefer to just walk away, avoiding any violence. She definitely knows how to take care of herself, having been alone for quite a while. She wouldn't mind a little company, though, now and then; she is a herd animal, after all. Despite the common belief that Stegosauruses are stupid because they "have a small brain", she is actually quite smart; she isn't a "dumb blonde", that's for sure. There isn't really anything she is particularly sensitive about, not even her name, which means "small". In short, nothing bothers her, though there is a limit on how much bull crap she will put up with from someone at any given time. She often tries to play "peace-keeper" until she finally just gives up and goes to enjoy a cup of tea or something else peaceful. She is somewhat careful of where she steps, though, even in human form; she doesn't want to accidentally step on anyone, after all. She has a soft spot for small and young animals, as well as children, and she can be very loyal to her friends. She is a rather faithful creature at heart.
Abilities: Like any other Stegosaurus shifter, Pasha possesses the ability to grow her tail at will, using it as a weapon even in human form. Also, she can create shields out of any part of her body that resemble the plates on her dinosaur form's back. This is one of the many ways her kind are so formidable of opponents, and why a lot of carnivores take great care to avoid them; only a truly hungry hunter would try their luck with one. Otherwise, she possesses great strength and stamina, and can easily defend herself in either human or dinosaur form. She prefers to take the defensive rather than the offensive in a fight; if someone gets hurt by her, then it is because they attacked first.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:24 am
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Color Me Fubar

Celebrating Wife

22,200 Points
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