Kata, hadn't ever felt to be in someone's arms. Yet- with Ajani she stole his and her own first kiss but still nothing would explain the feelings she felt. No entertainer- and no member could come close to her heart. It was simply impossible. But with him, it felt like everything changed in an instant.. So she stayed with him. Patting water at him like a niave child. It was certainly one of those treasured moments..

"Hey... Let me take you somewhere." A soft smile crossed her maw, as she leaned up against him and faced upwards to look at him. She didn't quite want to 'leave' his arms so soon but she hoped that maybe showing him one of her favorite spots they could continue relishing in each other's company.

Ubi smiled, "Why Mon Cheri are you attempting to seduce me." He said in a cleshay accent that he heard from some members of the pride, usually the ones that came from the colony. He chuckled at himself. Im so damn funny. He thought to himself.

Ubi was elated though when she said that she would stayed. Wait, did that mean she liked him? Oh he was so happy he knew that deep down inside, underneath all that mean and off putting behavio;r she was just like any other girl. She just wanted to be loved.

With a deep breath he said in a more serious manner, "I'll follow you to the ends of time." Ubi said looking into her eyes in an honest soothing voice giving her a slight nudge of affection on the head

"Mon Cheri, you have got to be kiddin." Chuckling softly as she purred in to his affections before slipping out of the bank of the tiny spring and out in to the dryer part of her den. Where she would normally shake herself off, she let herself drip on the floor as she waited for him to follow.. And oh and behold when he did- they slipped out of her den. It was full night now, misc others walked around to protrol and keep the 'fighting and escapees' under control.

"Stay close." She whispered to him and slipped in one of the slaves courters but instead of making their way directly to the slave- they went below and in to the tunnels. Keeping up with her could be a task but she knew Ubi could do it. How quickly she made her way down and until they went down to the main spring. "We're almost there." Coming up close to his ear to speak so no one would notice them as they dipped in to a another small tunnel behind a set of rocks and continued down til they were so low that even the tunnel look like at any moment it'd just cave in.

She stopped finally when the tunnel lead to medium sized looking den.. Maybe for a family of 7 to fit comfortably. There was water on the corner and she slipped in to it. Another tunnel but filled with water and it was just a few strokes away before getting to the other side.. The room was much smaller than the 7 family sized- this one was more like it could fit two comoftrably. Maybe. Walls were decorated in shimmering rock.. And how the water gave off that glow... it made it look like gold filled every inch of the room.. but it was merely the illusion of the rock.. It was a beautiful site.. Dragging herself out of the rock and on to a rock where she shook herself off and started to groom.

Ubi looked around the room in amazement, he had never seen a place so beautiful. He never wouldhave thought a place like this existed in a pride like this, everyone so peroccupied with thier own tasks and duties. He looked up at her as she lay grooming and hopped up next to her. He smiled he was alnoe with her and for once she seemed in no rush. For right now they could be together.

"Hotaru, may i ask you something." Ubi said staring at her. It was a question that was always on his mind even from the first time they met.
This place had always been a secret of hers. There were many spots like it deeper underground, secluded from the rest of the population but this one had been her favorite to hide from her family's watchful eye. Let alone the pride's.. After getting herself even slightly more presentable- she was going to continue til he spoke up. Which she hadn't even retracted her tongue off her arm yet before she lifted her head.

Watching him come beside her, which instinctively made her tail curl around the area around him. "Yes .?" She questioned, and took a few more licks of grooming.. but still her eyes were on him.

He didnt really bother cleaning himself off, he would just let himself air dry, but for some reason she seemed to be really peoccupied with it. It just must be a girl thing.

"Do you like me." This question has been bothering him for some time. He asked very bluntly he didnt want to be her toy. He knew what she did for a living and he didnt want to be one of her toys.

He waited for an answer but his heart was pounding, if he was just her toy then he would be crushed, he just hoped that he didnt give up everything for nothing.

The question made her stop in her tracks. Lifting her head, once more then lowering her guard. What.. did that have to do with anything? Why would she have him in her den- or even remotely come back to him if she didn't- well he was just another she brought in to the pride. Likewise, when she thought of it. He was the only one she kept coming back to, all the other reruits she just left to fend for themselves.. The silence settled in as she got lost in her own thoughts about the question.

The only one she allowed to touch her or even lay to sleep next to. Even if sometimes they would sleep on opposites sides of the den, at least they slept in the same den. The one who she kissed.. It took a long drawn out answer but she did it. "What are you trying to get at?" The strickness coming out of her as if she reverted to her defenses. Having ceased her grooming with all her attention on him- looking him straight in the eyes to try and better understand where this male was going with the conversation.

Ubi looked at her, He took a deep breath, "Do you like me, because.... Hotaru.... I think i love you..." He paused waiting for her to respond. He really hoped that she felt the same.

He never felt like this about another female, sure he would play nice with them when they came along but that was just because he was a gentleman. When he was around her he just felt like he had to leap over bounds just for her to notice him... The silence grew and what was a few seconds seemed like minutes he felt like his heart was sinking in his chest. All he was thinking about was her answer.

Hotaru... She had almost begun to believe that was her secret name to him. Even answering to it when he spoke it. He could mainly call her anything and she would answer but the fact he didn't know her name still.. Casted her look aside... Lowering her head for a moment before gathering her breath and lifting her body up to wrap around him.

"For one... You can not love Hotaru becaue Hotaru does not exist." Lifting her paw up gently and softly was about to touch his face but retracted her paw before she did. "Love... I don't know what that is. But to like- you are the only one who has stayed in my den. If that is what I understand.." Then she got up closer to his face and softly rubbed her cheek against his neck. "I have.. been waiting along time to tell you..." A soft whisper errupted from her maw then back to looking at him in the eyes. Something that she had grown acustom to. "My name is Katapatan, daughter of Mana.. The retired Right hand." The right hand there was now was parading with Seiji and Hosoku and causing all times of turmoil but her father was a dignified right hand.. Never to be mistaken for the low life that took his place.

Ubi was i awe, he was speechless and he felt like his heart was stuck in his throat. Everything was a lie... but was it really just because her name was a lie did that mean she lied about anything else... but at least she answered his question, she liked him... and that was good enough for him. Hota... I mean Katapatan... I wouldnt care if your name was Rin-tin-tin i would still love you..." He said licking the top of her head.
The surprise in his face made her withdraw a little. "I-I-" She was about to say the s word and literately get up to leave but to her surprise... Though the look of disappointment was there- his words and actions said otherwise. "Love..." Then a soft lick was placed on the top of her head and she almost melted inwardly though she seemed blank on the outside.

"What is love- love love- You have said this now, I don't understand." Giving him a questionable look, more dumbfounded by the whole situation.. "You can call me Kata...its easier.."

He smiled, "Well Kata love is a feeling, like when i see you my heart beats faster and when your away i feel like something is missing." He didnt know how to explain it exactly, but for some reason explaining it to her made him happy.

"Love is Caring and commitment. That means i will always stay by your side, through thick and thin." He said giving her a smile.

"Love is many things its hard to define; it can be kind and fun. Sometimes... It can be Attractive and Intimate." He said in a soothing voice as he nuzzled her neck.

As he explained, she was almost in a trance- a dumbfounded one but a trance non the less. Nodding softly as if to agree with what he was saying. Her heart sped when he was around her too.. So that was normal? Tilting her head as she listened close and wondered exactly this 'word' entailed.. As if hanging on every word he spoke. She wasn't one for too many words neither but speaking about feelings made her slightly uncomfortable to be exposed like this.

She remembered when Noir's wife spoke about this emotion. Her response at the tender juvenile age was 'love makes you weak' in the lack of better terms and she felt that now. Weak. Taking a step back when he nuzzled her. "I... I can't." Getting up quickly.. "I can't be weak right now." Ears fanned back, she surely didn't grasp the understanding of what he was telling her. "We're at the brink of war and your.. talking about ...what makes one weak. If anything happened to you- Id.. Id just.." She couldn't even explain herself. "I just can't.. Im sorry!" Seemingly hurt by her own words and tossed her gaze aside.

Ubi was hurt he didnt know what to say he was actually getting choked up. He looked her over and he just couldnt deal with her right now. He got up and walked past her he could deal with this feeling the feeling of rejection. He just felt like he gave her his heart and she stepped on it.

This was for another day... He didnt want to feel this pain right now... he felt so... heartbroken..

When the words came out, the deed was already done and when he walked past her- her eyes followed and soon her body did too. "Ubi.. wait." She called after him and followed behind. "Wait!" Jumping from rock to rock to get to him as she lagged behind over her own insecurities. What did he want from her?!

Why was he acting this way, it was easier if she hadn't said anything about.. that word. This whole thing had confused her. "Listen you don't understand-" Trying to get him to talk to her.. but even that felt like a loss cause. Why was her chest feeling so tight over this. She'd never share or show these emotions- why all the sudden..

Ubi continued to walk away, "I cant deal with this right now. I dont want to understand."All he knew was his heart was sinking. He began to run away as fast as his legs could take.

This was for another day and another time... he just got rejected he needed and chance to compose himself...