Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:54 pm
Please bare with me, as I'm not always the best at expressing my ideas.
Most of us have a custom we want, or have tried for a custom in the past right? However, sometimes it can take a very long time before the RIG gods smile down on us and we get the soquili we've been wanting. This got me thinking. After seeing how breedings are done sometimes... Why don't we have an Plot/Background story custom? Or it could just be a slot added to regular customs, but basically... Since we can have RPed slots for breedings, could something similar be added for customs? I know we wouldn't have RPs for a soq we don't already own, unless it's in the questers subforum thing, but maybe something can be worked out?
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:04 am
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:14 am
This is my personal opinion and not that of the store/staff
I must say that while part of me likes the idea another part of me hates it (and before you say it.... yes, I am one of those people who have tried for customs and had no luck in gaining a slot XD the RNG hates me haha.)..... but my worry is that people would abuse the slot, create whatever was required to enter said slots so that they simply would have an extra chance of getting their custom rather than actually needing/wanting said custom for a particular plot.
Plus, in many ways this excludes newbies... after all they wouldn't already have a plot/story for their custom to fall into... unless they got in with an older group and had plotted something between them.
I can just see this getting very messy and abused. So while I like the idea in theory I am not sure the reality would work.
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:27 am
Since I've had a plot held up for more then a year waiting on a custom I nlove this idea...but I also see Sya's point. Unless whatever was required was so involved that only those who really want it would bother it might be abused. Maybe some sort of Low Luck custom slots would work?...or a major customs month where colorists could CC forms all month long - I know there are a lot of relatively simple concepts out there that could be done quickly. But then you'd get finger pointing and 'favoritism' remarks..so maybe a LL custom slot would be better. I don't know lol
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:59 am
I'm going to say no, purely for the reason that customs are already so overloaded and quite behind, I'd much rather just get regular customs back on track first ^.^ But whilst this is interesting, I must second what Sya said, I wouldn't want it to hold back newbies in any way.
LL customs have been discussed before, and I think they could actually work, but I don't think we ever heard anything official back from the staff beyond "it will be discussed at the next staff meeting".
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:12 am
I think the main reason to the no to LL thing was because some people have tried years for customs that never had luck and don't necessarily have records (which isn't fair to them).
I'd rather have custom newbie slots that I know fel used to do :"D
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:59 pm
While I do wish there was something for those who regularly try for customs - or to reward people for planning and whatnot - I don't think this suggestion would work.
Honestly - there's not a good way to revise customs that I can think of - other than to just have more of them.
If there was a customs month in which there was a master customs wish thread where each person could make one post - enter as many custom wishes as he/she had - and could only win once - and every colorist worked on randomizing people to custom as they had time - picking from what was on the list. The person still has to pay - so couldn't enter for something more expensive than he/she can pay for. But randomized so no claims of favoritism - and with each person being able to put up as many or few options as he/she wants - giving the colorist some cc opportunity.
But doing a LL or CC month just leads to massive drama/headaches/etc. And doing a 'RPed' doesn't seem like it could work for the reasons outlined above.
Customs mostly need to happen more often/regularly. That will fix a lot. From there, we can worry about other things to add into the mix.
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:13 pm
Most of the old Custom threads are in the archives aren't they? Sure it's annoying to go through and find your posts..but if people really truly wanted to qualify they would do it..I know this because I recently did this for another shop that introduced LL Customs. It was a pain..but I think it was worth it.
That said I think it would be completely fair to introduce LL and have it on a 'From here on out' basis, it's a new system..not every new system has to grandfather in everything. I wouldn't complain even though I've been trying fora particular custom forever..because it would be a light at the end of the tunnel, kind of like breedings..you go well..I didn't win this time but hey I'm that much closer to having a better chance in LL! Takes a bit of the sting out of trying over and over and over again.
I agree that the main problem is customs needing to happen more frequently..but I don't see that happening in the near future with the shop somewhat understaffed in colorists allowed to do customs. Same as breedings..I know they are working on it but it could still be a while before they get everyone trained up and promoted.
Custom Newbie slots are great, I'm always a fan of Newbie stuffs, but those won't help a lot of the long time plot questers. A lot of them aren't custom newbies anymore.
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:22 pm
JetAlmeara Most of the old Custom threads are in the archives aren't they? Sure it's annoying to go through and find your posts..but if people really truly wanted to qualify they would do it..I know this because I recently did this for another shop that introduced LL Customs. It was a pain..but I think it was worth it. That said I think it would be completely fair to introduce LL and have it on a 'From here on out' basis, it's a new system..not every new system has to grandfather in everything. I wouldn't complain even though I've been trying fora particular custom forever..because it would be a light at the end of the tunnel, kind of like breedings..you go well..I didn't win this time but hey I'm that much closer to having a better chance in LL! Takes a bit of the sting out of trying over and over and over again. I agree that the main problem is customs needing to happen more frequently..but I don't see that happening in the near future with the shop somewhat understaffed in colorists allowed to do customs. Same as breedings..I know they are working on it but it could still be a while before they get everyone trained up and promoted. Custom Newbie slots are great, I'm always a fan of Newbie stuffs, but those won't help a lot of the long time plot questers. A lot of them aren't custom newbies anymore. This biggrin (Though being a custom newbie I personally wouldn't mind seeing some of those slots lol.)
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:10 pm
I think if LL customs were done based on the user and not the concept, that wouldn't be terrible. ANd things like getting a custom through staff credits/contest prizes, etc would reset it.Because some people change up custom attempts based on a colorists's strengths, and some also don't post forms if they have a cosplay that they dont' want to announce to the world they're going for.
In regards to plot-based customs, I have to agree with Sya in that I think it would easily get abused. I think events like the Wishing Star where you can get a family member/best friend/nemesis/love interest, etc kind of fills that niche - even though you can't custom the specific apperance, if you need a soquili for plot-purposes, it works nicely - AND you only have to compete with people going after that sort of slot since the wishing star events tend to have a pretty even spread with the different categories.