Karpos had managed to get her self back up to the den area with out any problems. The only thing she really had to worry about was her cheek which she firmly had her tongue pressed against where she'd mistakenly bit in to it. The blood had not been her fault. She'd slipped and thankfully that was the worst of her worries assuming that the infection wasn't about to kill her. Loha had promised to bring her back some medication from the healer so that she didn't have to go her self. Medicine was not something she was looking forward too. The bitter awful taste that it tended to had was almost worth an infection. But the lioness would make sure to take her medication any how.

So she laid there keeping her tongue close to that wound. It acted as a gauze to protect her mouth. Funny that her own blood tasted so metallic and unsatisfying compared to the prey beasts they hunted. She wondered briefly if all lions blood tasted as bad as hers or if everyones own blood just naturally tasted this way. Her mind lingered on such thoughts. Than she couldn't help but think maybe Loha had forgotten to get her the medication. She was almost hopeful for that. At least a small part of her was. A bigger part of her knew it would be wise to go ahead and take the bitter stuff even if it was gross.


She laid in waiting. The bleeding was thinning quite a bit and the wound was already starting to close a bit. Karpos spit a blood tinted spat.
Saint Sergio