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Fashionable Genius

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 7:55 pm

Are you still RPing Sahaqiel and Casimir as foals? Cuz I'd love to toss Sonny at them for foal RP. 83a She's very much like Saha in that's she's EXCITED but innocent and she's just so curious and interested in EVERYTHING and ANYTHING and sometimes just...won't...shut...uppppp. She would totally be all for a cuddle buddy since she doesn't have any siblings around who are her age she can do that kind of stuff with. It would also inspire her to try to cuddle OTHER friends which would just be...well...Sonny...n...nooo...

She'd be really friendly to Casimir too, but since she lacks this thing called "tact', she'd notice all the weird stuff about him. The sewn mouth would be the only thing to worry her, if only for his sake, but she would admire everything else!
PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:55 pm


A couple of rps I'd love to do, though doesn't have to be now.

1 - Nita and Nocturne! They need to move forward in their friendship. Perhaps even include his mate so she can meet her? Though I'd like a one-on-one for them also. So maybe one with just the two of them and maybe one with his mate and possibly Galahad too? Sort of a group reunion? I think that'd be pretty awesome. smile We also need to plot out the direction Galaahd/Nita are going in their RP. Perhaps the next leg of their journey can be him teaching her some self defense? She might also be learning about some healing plants and such, which can be cool and useful so maybe after she's learned that at some point she can surprise him and heal HIM one of the next times they get into trouble. smile

2 - Leilan and Ecclesia. I'd like to plot them out and rp them as friends too. They were foalhood friends and though they were briefly lifemated I think they could still certainly be friends. Maybe they became lifemated in their foolish youth, realized their love wasn't romantic, but deep friendship so dissolved the lifemating, but stayed friends?

Fatal Irony

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Beloved Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:01 pm


Hallo again Uta!

I know we already have another thread going but I would like to ask about another if I may? I had a small plot in mind and I think your Faelwyn might fit it nicely. You mentioned her skill with herbs and remedies and my boy Colonel is in need of a healer. He was burned during the metaplot fire and while they are starting to heal he certainly wouldn't mind a bit of help with easing the discomfort. He tends to wander around a lot so it wouldn't be difficult to get him that sort of area.

Let me know if you are interested and I can most certainly start a thread.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:25 pm



Illuminated Apparition


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:02 pm


Hihi, I was wondering if you'd perhaps be interested in me sending Nemain in the direction of any of your kalona for potential plotting and rp? However, at the moment I'm rather busy with college though, so I'm rather slow with things and my muse doesn't always want to cooperate in regards to rp, but I thought I'd still offer! c:
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