Jito bounced about, the cub a rambling ball of energy on the warm summer day. The pale cub hardly seemed to mind th heat, or to blaze of the sun. All to the contrary, he seemed to enjoy it! There was a bounce in his step, and a smile on his lips. The cub huddled low in the grasses, before skittering off, bouncing after some imaginary foe. His back arched, and tail lashed. He was the noble hero, here to duel and dispell his evil foe! "You're no match for me, thou bawdy, beef-witted barnacle!" With a fierce snarl, he lunged foreward, swiping at his imaginary foe, but alas! The cretin had knocked him from his balance! The cub teetered on his hind legs, swaying this way and that before he rolled to the ground. The evil (and imaginary) foe laughed, and crept closer, gloating over his victory, but Jito was no fool, no weakling. The dasterdly beast loomed over him, and Jito struck! He leaped to his feet, pressing the dasterly foe back, "You shan't best me, you lump-fed lout!" He swiped at the foe, knocking him to the ground, but no. He would not slay his foe, not this day. The good guys never murdered, they always let the bad guy live, no matter how bad! The little hero lifted his head, holding his chin high. "I shall spare you, you surly, milk-livered varlot, but beware," His little gold eyes narrowed, and little maw wrinkled in a snarl. "I shall not be so merciful again!" Oh, surely his foe cowered in fear before him, so mighty a hero. Jito turned away, pleased with his victory, but alas! The foe had thrown his spear, and skewered the dear hero straight through! Jito gasped, a twig pinned under his elbow, and stumbled. "Cruel fate! Thou hast.. thou has.." Jito collapsed to the grasses, little paw outstretched. "My brothers.. shall.. avenge me.." The dear hero let his last breath rattle out, limp in the grasses. It was a grand performance if he had ever given one.