|| cancerousWeapons ||

Your name is SOMERU SHINKѲ and you are currently procrastinating when you should be DOING YOUR HOMEWORK.
You know that that is NOT YOUR REAL NAME but you use it for NOT SO PERSONAL BUT NOT IMPORTANT REASONS. Your real name happens to be FAITH ANN DYE and you think it's PRETTY ******** LAME.
You are currently blasting ALTERNIABOUND through your INCREDIBLY ******** UP SPEAKERS so you don't have to listen to the EERIE CREAKING OF YOUR BEDROOM.
You have a MANGA NOVEL in your hands and many more lay scattered around your room which appears as if the closet had a CLOTHES AVALANCHE before a HAIL OF CRUMPLED PAPER BALLS that hide the disappointing horrors of FAILED DRAWING AND FANFICTION.
Your walls are covered in ANIME FAN ART, most of which are print-outs of HETALIA CHARACTERS and the occasional L LAWLIET in strange and anatomically incorrect poses.
You also like to collect many RARE AND USELESS ITEMS ranging from SHATTERED GLASS to BINDERS FULL OF YAOI. You also own an almost nostalgic collection of STUFFED TOYS which you like to keep hidden away in what space is LEFT IN YOUR CLOSET.
At the present time, you are filling this SHITTY INTRODUCTION out for THE HELL OF IT.
You should stop goofing off and entertain us for once.

So yeah.
Y'all can call me Som.
Yes, I'm into yaoi.
Yes, I'm into shipping.
Yes, I'm a fan of Death Note and Hetalia too.

And before anyone asks me, my OTPs for Homestuck aaaarrrreeee...
(Be aware that "OTP" stands for "One True Pairing". Well get ready for some EXTREME IRONY. Okay, not extreme irony, but it's irony.)
-GamTav('cause like, who DOESN'T ship this?)

Any questions? emotion_donotwant