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The chill of the desert night was quickly setting in as Eyshe drug the second carcass of her kills into the hollow near the waterhole, pushing hard to knock it into the shallow hole she had dug to preserve it in the cold, salt ground so it wound keep until tomorrow for her to haul the two large buck back to the dens of the pride in the morning.

They were quite the find, they really were, massive in side and hard to pull even with her size. She had to go far from the pride to catch them, she had been tracking them over the previous night, a small herd of them. Tacking down the two she had was a lucky shot at best and she'd not come off without injury, they had rather nasty horns, but seeing their leader fall, the rest had been very quick to flee.

Shifting fresh sand to mask the scent of her kill to hide it from anything that may want to steal it, she finally moved to lay down across the burial spot with a weary sigh, green eyes half shutting as she bean to lick at the gashes on her leg, They had gotten her a bit worse then she had anticipated.. But her haul would be a very well received meal.