The day was going strong and Buluu was making his way through new terrain. The area seemed to be partially dead in a sense. The vegetation wasn’t in too good shape and a lot of the plants seemed completely void of leaves. Buluu had yet to sense entering an area claimed by a pride but he could smell the scents of many different species coming and going all through the lands. A lot of the scents he smelled were leopards with some hyenas and lions mixed in but lots of leopards for sure. He had never been to this area before and seeing the way all the vegetation was made him really want to turn tail and run.

Not far from Buluu a leopard with the markings of a paint horse was harvesting some plants that had new growth on them. He was very pleased with his findings and was earnestly picking the plants and placing them in a bag that was attached to his leg. His name was Maovyo and he was a native to these dead lands. He knew all of what these lands held and all of the tragedies that happened there on an almost daily basis. He was moving in Buluu’s direction and it wasn’t long before he spotted the strange blue cheetah in his path. He didn’t recognize the cheetah male but that didn’t stop him from approaching him. “You’re new to this area aren’t you?”

Buluu had actually been hoping the male leopard would go around him and just go on his own business but that was never Buluu’s luck. He didn’t say anything as the male walked up and perked his ears up at the leopards question. “Yeah. Is there a pride near here or something? I smell a lot of leopards and other creatures all over this area.” He was always curious of his location and while he tried to avoid prides as much as possible so he wouldn’t end up chased off he still liked to know about the prides so he could keep them separated in his mind so if he ever came back here he would know whether or not this land was full of friends or foes.

Maovyo had no problem sharing information about the pride in fact he preferred making sure everyone who wanted to enter was fairly warned on where they were going so they could make a decent informed decision. “There is actually. The pride is called Kitwana’antara. I feel I must warn you though this pride is one of a different kind.” He stated and paused for a moment before he continued. “Disease courses through many of the members here and death is a constant visitor. The disease is isolated to the lions of the pride but it effects all the pride members in many different ways. If you wish to join us then I welcome you but if not I suggest leaving as soon as you can.”

Buluu was shocked by the leopard’s words. A diseased pride? What an awful thought and not only was it diseased but it was a disease that killed. It had to be a depressing place and very scary for the lions. He wasn’t a lion so he had no problems but it still sent chills down his spine and sent his fur on end. “I’m not looking for a home mister that’s for sure. I’m just passing through on my way to my next destination of who knows where. I appreciate the warning and I’ll be making a note of it on my mental map where this place is. Maybe I’ll send a couple of my lion enemies your way.” Buluu laughed at his attempt of a joke.

Maovyo did not find Buluu’s joke funny at all. Maovyo gave Buluu a disgusted look and was very angry that the cheetah could take the disease of the pride so lightly. Any chance that there was of Maovyo liking Buluu blew away with the wind after Buluu’s joke.

After a few moments when the leopard didn’t laugh Buluu lowered his ears and glanced around nervously. “Tough crowd…” He stated as he looked around for some way to get out away from the leopard.

At Buluu’s comment Maovyo decided to finally say what he was keeping locked up. “You darned right it’s a tough crowd! You have no idea what the lions with this disease are going through. It’s painful and torturous because of how long the disease can take to finally kill the lion. There’s no if’s and’s or but’s once a lion has this. They will die from it and it’s a slow and agonizing death. So making light of it is not appropriate ever! No matter how funny you think your being!” Maovyo growled at the cheetah and took a step forward advancing on him in anger.

Buluu took a step back with his eyes wide and lowered his head in a submissive fashion. He had screwed up big time by angering this leopard and he wouldn’t be surprised when the leopard came at him. “Woah woah! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean any disrespect to you or the lions with the disease. I apologize for my joke. I didn’t realize it was so bad.” Buluu said with a sincere apologetic tone to his voice. He knew the anger he had shaken up in this leopard was not one he wanted after him and he just hoped he could get out with his rear end in one piece instead of pieces.

Maovyo eyed the cheetah closely after he apologized. He wasn’t one for violence very often but when he felt strongly for something he stood up for it with all his might. After a few more moments he relaxed and sat down on his bottom while he kept his eyes glued to the cheetah. “Alright. Your apology is accepted but I suggest that you get your tail out of here very quickly and don’t let me see you darkening the lands of this pride anymore. Your disrespectful nonsense is not what the dying lions of this pride need to hear.”

Buluu nodded at Maovyo’s words. “Not a problem. Once again I apologize.” He replied and then within moments he was gone and headed off in a direction that would take him away from the pride but not in the same way he had come.

Word count: 1,066