Rp between Lin(Chi Sohma) and Yue(Summer Rain 07).

It, would have been so long now since they agreed to come in to the pride. Well, not everyone was flattered by the idea, but it was 'safe' for the cubs. More- than their mother. Lin was confined underground as to not be disturbed, and not be an outright danger to herself and others. The times of isolcation were taking a tole on her. Somedays were better than others..

The scratching... had drawn all over the walls... The screams had dimmed down now. The pure isolcation had taken her passed the levels in which were considered a normal crazy... But deep down. Lin was still there.. down there deep inside. Her body had exhausted itself greatly. The rope was secured around her neck, had flexed her fur as if it naturally was parted there now, for how long it had been on her. The more she wanted to leave.. the tighter it would get. Come closer to where she was tied.. would let her breath.

Lin's eyes were soft..Crazed, but soft. Her breaths were shallowed out now. She laid there... almost gone to the world. One of her 'good days'.. Was when she was quiet.. not screaming..

He hesitated as he approached the den. Some days he had no problem coming to see her, even if she was screaming, and making a mess of herself. But on days like today, every step was heavy. Every step closer to the isolated den reminded him of what was going on inside her.

He put her in there. He caused her to become this way. He was the reason she was losing her mind.

Before he knew it, he was standing right outside the den. He took a breath, noticing that he had been holding it for quite a while. His mouth was dry, and he licked his lips, and started to call her name. "Li... Lin." He said in a soft and shaky voice. Clearing his throat, he tried again. "Lin?"

The lass, had gone today... The crazed one.. The realization, this 'reality' she was living.. without flowers, without the trees speaking to her. Just her own mind.. had gone silent.. This made her worse. Her breathing.. had gone more shallow.. When he called out her name.. she had not responded. She had heard- but her brain didn't process it all the way. Watching a drop of water run down a rock and on to the floor.

Everything had been slowed down for her. Every dropplet. No one would understand.. Then.. the mumblings.. the low.. utters of none sense... escaped her. Like a haunting.. Then she gasped for some air, how stuffy it was down here. Like it was crushing her. "Trees.. no trees.. Cave calling..deeper.. deeper.." The twinkle, that eerie happiness in her voice.. But it was low... like a whisper..

He blinked back worry. "Lin.." He took a hesitant step forward, into the darkness of the den. He padded forward, till he was in front of her. He sat down on his haunches, and leaned down to look her in the eyes. He gave her a soft smile (something he rarely did), trying to get her attention. "Hey."

He could do it. The rope was nothing but a bit of vine. He could snap it with his claw in an instant. So why didn't he? Did he like being on his own again? With no one bothering him about what herbs would make his freshly caught gazell taste 'better'? Or the nonsense of talking to trees?
No. He shook his head, that wasn't it. He loved his mate, and missed her dearly. Many times he wondered if it was a good idea to come here. There were other prides, and coalitions, why didn't they run to one of those?

He wondered just how much longer she had to stay here. She needed to be out, to be near the trees, with her cubs, with him. She needed her family. To find herself again.

The nonsense blabber started again.. And as he got close.. the blabber had gotten louder until he was in her face.. which the non sense had wnet as low as a whisper once again.. Her eyes finally, and hesitantly looked in to his.. She was.. so gone.. But. Like Kata had warned him, to keep a bodyguard with him when he went in. Likely, he didn't listen.. and this had been why.

The look of longing.. and tears started to roll down her cheeks.. One drop.. two drop. Before the cheetah in an instant had scrambled up on her hunches and pulled forward at him. Grabbing on to him forcefully and had dug her claws in to him. Not like she knew any better. "GET ME OUT! GEEETTT MEE OOUUTT!!!" Her plea... Then grasping on to his face with shaking, yet obessive paws of guilt.. "Why..why..why.." Her voice had a touch of childish play within it. "You will get me out.. Yes.. won't you~!" When she tried to get closer to him, and pull herself up to be his same side.. the rope had started to dig in to her neck so badly that it made her voice shrink.. Still she tried to fight it.

"You.. won't you..Don't leave me.. DON"T LEAVE ME!" She screamed..

He started to break. He'd seen her when she was like this, but it was never this bad. He felt her claws dig into his back, wincing at the pain. Her claws have gotten sharp from constantly digging at the dirt, and sharpening from the rock.

He didn't care though. He knew he deserved it.

"Yes.." he said softly, stepping closer to her so she wouldn't hurt herself any more. "I won't leave you." He said as he put his paws around her back in an embrace. He missed her, the old her. He was so afraid for her. Afraid that she would never know him. Never remember what they did together, or how they fell in love.

He slowly pulled her down with him, laying down beside her, "Lin, I love you." He said as he nuzzled against her, hoping she would come back to him.

Her breaths had quickened, as if hyperventalating as she went on her crazed reign of everyone against her. Every one escaping except her..

The flowers... the smell of them. She missed them.. Her cubs.. She had forgotten she had them.. and only when provoked would she either deny them or obbess over them. Over the ones she 'lost'... "DON"T LEAVE! NO YOU LEFT ME!" Her coiling screams.. Until he stepped closer to her, and she had been looking up to him.. having her neck and chin against his chest.. His words. His words.. So gentle.. But her body didn't register to stop. No, she had racked from in to his back with claws of him escaping her then up to grasp at his face.. But he pulled her in closer. She grasped him.. The crazy was so in the forefront of her mind now.. Like an infection.

But he pulled her down, Her breaths slowed down.. Those words.. as she blankly looked at him as if she had no soul inside.. but..after a few moments.. a sparkle shown in them.. More tears came.. "Y-..yu-ue..I'm .. scared.." Her voice cracking.. but slowly as if for a glimpse she was had recgonized him. Which, one her good days she would, but slowly she was starting to forget.. Everyone with the crazed infection..

Pain seared through his back and face, small drops of blood starting to mat in his fur. He could feel her tremble. but he continued to hold her. To stay by her. He had to think of some way to help her. Some way to bring her back to him.

"I know Lin.." He answered as tears started to fall down his cheeks. He hadn't cried since his first night on his own, back when he was a cub, and now the tears were falling freely. He didn't care, he just wanted his mate back. "I know, I'm scared too.." He said softly, leaning over to give her a gentle kiss on her tear stained cheek.

"I'll find a way to fix this.." He said as he lay his chin across her back. "I promise..."