Hello everyone. My name is dreamyumei, but most call me Dream, Dreamy, or Yumei. I am 27 years old, and I have been role playing since I was 14 years old, so there for that gives me roughly 13 years of experience. I would prefer to role play with those at least 18+ considering my own age. Anything below 18 makes me feel kinda weird, because I do enjoy romance in the rps. I am located in the Central Time Zone, and considering my current situation I am able to post multiple times a day. I am not a grammar nazi, however, extremely bad grammar will turn me off to the role play within minutes of reading something so god awfully horrible that I can't even understand what you are trying to say. Punctuation is a must. I don't want what could have been a full paragraph written in a single sentence. Yes, I have seen this. It irritates me to no end. I consider myself semi-literate. I can usually do 2-6 well sized paragraphs, but that also depends on my partner. The less my partner gives me, the less I am able to give. With that said, the more I am given the more I can give. Typically I don't do a whole lot of research for a role play, however, this does not mean I am opposed to it. I just haven't been presented with an rp recently that has required it.

I prefer to role play in threads. PMs I save mostly for plot discussions, that way the material for the plot that has been discussed can be saved for when it is needed. I randomly get ideas for my rps during the course of them to create drama for future events.

I like to decorate my posts, but do not go over board with that. I will post a sample of my posting style as well as a sample post below:

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Ember Dawn Ellis

~She wraps those hands around that pole
She licks those lips and off we go
She takes it off nice and slow
Because that's porn star dancin‘~

Ember had felt his concern and worry for her, but she was glad that he didn't dwell on it once she changed the subject. His laugh made her smile. His playful and fiery smile about his possessiveness was met with a chuckle, a head shake and a playful roll of her eyes. Men. The thought was with a playful exaggerated sigh. His comment on the dragons appetite made her laugh. "I'm sure that's the only thing that caused your appetite," she said with a playful sarcasm and a wink. The kiss on her head and gentle touch of her braided hair made her blush lightly, she could feel the love he had for her in these little touches. As he moved ahead a few steps she caught up with him and they headed to the house together.

Ember turned to Vice when he spoke to her and followed him into the kitchen as Variden slipped off to his room for something. She wasn't sure what she wanted, and Variden was back in the kitchen before too long. She watched what he started to cook with a bit of curiosity. When Vice again spoke to her she looked to him, "I'll try what he is making. You don't need to worry about me. If I don't like it, I'll just cook myself something more traditional." She moved to leave the kitchen. "When it is ready just let me know. I need to look through some things." The look on her face was a little solemn, and with that she was headed off to her own room. Upon reaching it, she opened a trunk that she had placed in her closet. She pulled out some cloths that had been laying on the top and placed them to the side.

Reaching into the trunk, she began pulling out some very old leather bound books. If anyone walked into her room right then, they would have found her on the floor surrounded with books. Am I still going to be sleeping in here? It was an odd thought that came to her, for now though she pushed it aside. She began picking up some of the books and opening them up looking through them. One she picked up, she immediately recognized. She hadn't remembered grabbing this one, but she was glad she had. She ran her fingers over the leather backing gently. It was her mother's journal. The pages were old and worn. She was about to set it aside, not wanting to intrude on her mother's private thoughts, but something compelled her to open it. She began scanning through the soft delicate script of her mother's handwriting.

Today I have observed my daughter, Ember. She seems to be exhibiting the same powers I have, she must be an Empath as well. Something that no others would likely notice. She is more empathetic to others, understanding them on a deeper level than a child her age should be. I have also seen her power in this ability increase when the Dragon Guardian is near her. I believe this is a sign. My husband will not listen though, he has practically forbidden the Lord Dragon from being near her. I understand he is... Ember lowered the journal into her lap. Her mother knew, and had told her father. She couldn't read anymore from the journal right now. Quickly she reached over to another book she had always seen her mother with. It was something her mother always referenced to. The pages that her mother went to the most was the ones the book immediately opened to. I'm an Empath... She read the pages her mother had marked. Oh this is going to be difficult learning how to control without my mother or grandmother here. She didn't really know anything about this ability. She continued on looking through some more books. By now she had every single one of them opened on the floor, at least any that mentioned something about empaths.

~She don't play nice, she makes me beg
She drops that dress around her legs
And I'm sittin' right by the stage for this
Porn star dancin'~

(This is my average size post)

I do NOT do fandoms or series related rps. The only exception I would make to this rule, is if someone presented me with an idea for The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Even with that I would require it be OCs.

Things I am interested in:
(things marked with ** I have had certain ideas for, things marked with + can also be a group rp)
(things marked in bold are the roles I want or will play ~typically the female - Can play males, but I prefer to play female roles)

Demon x Demon
Angel x Demon
Princess x Guard
Prince x Battle Maiden** +
Princess x Battle Warrior ** + (can be combined with above to create group rp)
Princess x Prince (arranged marriage) ** +
Princess x Prince (warring kingdoms) ** + (can be combined with above to create group rp)
Demon Lord x Sacrifice **
Guardian x Daughter of Clan Leader **
Bartender x Waitress
Vampire x Human
Mythical Creature x Human

I like profiles, but I like to keep them simple. Nothing too in depth that restricts the character from changing and developing during the course of the role play should it become a decent long term one.