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An Insane World With A Bunny's Crazy Ideas

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Niyaru Delacroix

Anxious Kitten

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:24 am

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Welcome to my plot thread! I love Alice in Wonderland and wanted to really twist the title around to display some sort of craziness to prepare you for what it it you are about to read. My mind can sometimes be a scary place but I love to write and what is even more fun than writing novels is role-play! I can't ever get enough of writing or reading, it is one of the ways I escape from reality.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:25 am

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Niyaru Delacroix

Anxious Kitten

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Niyaru Delacroix

Anxious Kitten

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:25 am

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December 15, 2012 - Semester finally over.
- The Plot Thread can be finished...I hope..

December 03, 2012 - Ordered banners completed and received.
- Plot Thread Created.

December 01, 2012 - Ordered banners for plot thread
PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:26 am

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1. No drama!
2. No Chat Speak please! Literate is nice <3
3. If you have any questions, comments, or want to RP; post here (quote me), PM, or IM me!
4. I do have the right to reject/deny/not do an RP.
5. I do PM tag, IM tag and Main Thread tag, if you are not okay with one of my options, tell me what you prefer.
6. If I have forgotten a rp or tag, PM/IM me/Quote me here to remind me.
7. Rules can changed/added.

Niyaru Delacroix

Anxious Kitten

16,950 Points
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Niyaru Delacroix

Anxious Kitten

16,950 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:26 am

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Aim: harukaharu11
Skype: amy.lynn1710
PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:26 am

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RP Count - hungry for more! emotion_omnomnom
3 finished, 7 dead, 2 in progress

3 finished, 9 dead, 1 in progress

0 finished, 2 dead, 2 in progress

3 finished, 3 dead, 1 in progress

6 finished, 22 dead, 4 in progress

Total: 15 finished | 43 dead/dropped | 10 in progress

Niyaru Delacroix

Anxious Kitten

16,950 Points
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Niyaru Delacroix

Anxious Kitten

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:27 am

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None at the moment
PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:27 am

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Name →→→Amenophis ←←←

Mate →→→ Amira ←←←

Children →→→ XXXX ←←←

Temper →→→ Brace ←←←

Likes→→→ Amenophis enjoys adventuring quite a lot and really finds it enjoyable if he can do it with others. He really likes meeting others and having the possibility of making a new friend. He likes to daydream and wonder about his family and the past as well as the future and what it might be like for himself and those he cares about. Ameno even likes to spend time with children/foals and play games with them.←←←

Dislikes→→→ He really dislikes seeing others in discomfort or pain, he wants to help others as much as he can. He really hates the fact that he forgets things and that he can't remember certain things about his past and where it is he came from. Getting lost isn't something he particularly enjoys, perhaps others might see it as a chance for a new adventure but he really dislikes the feeling of confusion and not knowing what to do. Nightmares aren't on his list of favorites either, they get his adrenaline going and he gets jumpy at every shadow almost after he has a nightmare. Of course it doesn't help that his mate has nightmares as well, he wants to be strong for her but hes just as vulnerable as she is. ←←←

1. Amira
2. Amira
3. Amira ←←←

Strong willed stallion with a heart of gold and doesn't let anything get in the way of what he wants. He is smart and likes to make people feel safe even when he doesn't have a lot of physical strength. His weapon of choice seems to be wisdom and there hasn't been a situation yet that he hasn't been able to get out of. He is considered to be lucky. He is a believer in what happens, happens for a reason. He seems to be one of those stallions that stumble into situations and it takes him a while to figure out how to get out of it. He will do anything for anyone and doesn't like to see blood or pain. ←←←

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RP Color→→→Brown ←←←

Plots→→→ XXXXX ←←←

Niyaru Delacroix

Anxious Kitten

16,950 Points
  • Happy 13th, Gaia Online! 50
  • Timid 100
  • Partygoer 500

Niyaru Delacroix

Anxious Kitten

16,950 Points
  • Happy 13th, Gaia Online! 50
  • Timid 100
  • Partygoer 500
PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:27 am

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Name →→→Amu ←←←

Mate →→→Kuro-Yume←←←

Children →→→ Shikon, Sayoko ←←←

Temper →→→Stubborn ←←←

Likes→→→ Amu really loves anything that has to do with flowers. She loves to sniff them on the ground and even if another Soquili has flowers decorating them, she will walk up to them and sniff their flowers. Of course afterwards she would apologize if it made them feel uncomfortable but she doesn't let anything stand in the way of her and flowers. She really enjoys basking in the sunlight, the warmth of it just makes her feel at peace and eases her mind. If she could she would probably stand out under the sun all day long. The next thing on her list is apples, she just can't get enough of them. Red, green or yellow; it doesn't matter the color as long as they are ripe and sweet she will devour them. Of course since she got her fairy tale ending so to speak, she loves love in and of itself. She enjoys watching other couples, hearing about their relationship, how they got their start and just everything to do with it.←←←

Dislikes→→→There isn't much in the world that this lovely girl dislikes or hates but the top thing she can't stand would be sadness. She just can't stand it to see someone upset/sad and alone. She really takes it upon herself to give them company and try and bring happiness into their life. The next thing that is big with her and it should probably tie in with sadness but it doesn't is lying or lies. She wants nothing but honesty in her life even if its going to hurt her feelings or someone else's. Honesty is always the best policy in her book and there is just no excuse for lies. She also really dislikes thunderstorms, the loud thunder and the lightning scares her half to death. Of course that is just a figure of speech but she could go the rest of her life without thunderstorms. It makes her worse on her if shes alone and Kuro or her familiar Ikuto isn't around to keep her company. She dislikes being alone period but its really bad when its storming.←←←

1. Kuro-Yume
2. Kuro-Yume
3. Kuro-Yume ←←←

Stubborn when it comes to doing things on her own, if she can't do it, she will become upset. She can be considered to be very independent and strong willed when it comes to things she believes in. Happiness sometimes radiates from her and can be contagious when she is in a very good mood, meaning that she is often very happy and wants to make others happy as well. She has a kind heart and is considered smart but sometimes lacking common sense. Sometimes she can be to much of a tease or flirt and can go over the limit to being playful but she never means any harm. ←←←

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RP Color→→→Hot Pink ←←←

Plots→→→ XXXXX ←←←

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Name →→→Bella←←←

Mate →→→XXXX←←←

Children →→→XXXX ←←←

Temper →→→Playful ←←←

Likes→→→ Bella doesn't like to let others in to see the real her but if you have the chance, your in for a treat. Her little wool/cotton mouse toy is her absolute favorite thing in this world. It was given to her by one of her adoptive parents; Ryuichi. She is very picky about who plays with her and can touch the toy. The little toy doesn't get left behind often, she travels with it everywhere she goes. She might not admit it but she does like to meet others and make friends. Her personality can be a bit much at first but you just have to get past her shell and see the real her to be friends with her. Once she has deemed you as a friend, she loves to play games and joke around with you. She is very playful and loves to enjoy life even if she hides herself from others at first. This lovely lady just wants to have true friends but wants them to earn her trust first. She wants people that are worth something not those that just want to be with her for her beauty or whatever else. Bella doesn't want to be taken advantage of, she doesn't want to be taken for a fool. She puts up a guard and tests others, they have to earn their right to be with her essentially and if they do earn it, she will explore and enjoy nature with them. Nature is of course the next favorite on her list, she loves the birds that sing their song and fly into the sky. The night air and the stars that twinkle just out of reach and the glow bugs that fly around to light up the ground. ←←←

Dislikes→→→As ironic as it is, she doesn't like to share her mouse toy. As it is very special to her, even if you are her friend, it is very unlikely that she will let you take it home with you to play with on your own. She really dislikes getting dirty or her mouse toy getting dirty even though she tosses it up in the air and misses it occasionally so it lands into the dirt. Most of her dislikes and hates really revolve around her toy, losing it, misplacing it and sharing it. She considers it invaluable and can't stand the thought of anything possibly happening to it that would take it away from her or damage it so that she couldn't enjoy it. Of course she might be rude a little herself but she can't stand for others to be rude to her. ←←←

3. ←←←

A bit playful and childish but she has a "want/need" to take care of/help others. But above all she thinks highly of herself and her little wool mouse, she doesn't like to have others touch it or look at it unless she gives them permission to. It could be said that she is very vain and considers herself as graceful as they come, as beautiful as they come and shes a gift to nature sort of attitude.

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RP Color→→→it has no name. ←←←

Plots→→→ XXXXX ←←←

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Name →→→Naerdiel←←←

Mate →→→XXXX←←←

Children →→→XXXX ←←←

Temper →→→Endearing ←←←

Likes→→→ Naerdiel doesn't have many joys that she had discovered with this world yet but she does enjoy adventuring quite a lot. She does it by herself so it could be said that she enjoys spending time alone, it gives her time to herself but she has too much time to herself often. She doesn’t really make friends so she spends days and days at a time alone. The only time that she isn’t really alone is when she is grazing with others in a field or surrounded by the little creatures that live in the forest and what not. She doesn’t really like nature but she doesn’t really hate it either, it gives her places to adventure and explore so it can’t be that bad. ←←←

Dislikes→→→Obviously no one likes being hurt, but Naerdiel really hates to be hurt and even more so, she really dislikes being lied to. Those are her biggest things in the world that she hates more than anything; she has recently come to dislike snow and the cold that comes with it though. Of course she even dislikes being betrayed, losing a loved one and all of the negative things associated with life. She just can’t handle the negative things very well and it brings her down even more. ←←←

3. ←←←

Naerdiel is a lady of sorrow and far from her true self, her past has not been easy on her and it has certainly made her future not be a bright one. She is far from optimistic; she blames herself often even when it might not even be her fault. She had been in love with the most handsome stallion in her eyes but it wasn’t meant to last, he only deceived her. He tricked her by making her think that he loved her but in the end when he found his true love, he ran off to be with her and left poor Naerdiel in the cold. Since that day, she has been so lonely and desperate to feel the love that she believes he had found that she draws in the affection of others. She does this by acting how she thinks the other stallion or mare might want in a companion be it a best friend or a lover. In the process, she falls to her own tricks and falls in love or loves them only in the end to be betrayed and hurt when the same love and affection isn’t returned to her.
She really questions her future and if she is even going to ever find her someone to be with and the happiness that is supposed to come with it. She doesn’t like how she has turned out but doesn’t even know how to possibly change into what could be her true self. Because of her pain from being turned down so often she has sworn off of relationships and has closed off her heart to the possibility of love again. She spends her days roaming around alone and just exploring the lands and seeing what they could possibly have to offer her. She doesn’t mind spending her time alone, she isn’t really thrilled about it but it is better than being fooled and hurt again.

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RP Color→→→Medium Orchid ←←←

Plots→→→ XXXXX ←←←
PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:27 am

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Niyaru Delacroix

Anxious Kitten

16,950 Points
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Niyaru Delacroix

Anxious Kitten

16,950 Points
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  • Partygoer 500
PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:04 pm

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