User Image The breeze caught his mane and fluttered it across his eyes. He scanned the foreign area before moving forward. His brother and the rest of the new members were doing their own thing so Enyeto figured he might as well find his own entertainment. Their walk to this new land took a toll on his pads, but nothing a shaded area couldn't fix. He'll find himself a nice, relaxing spot to plop down for awhile. Hopefully, his brother wouldn't get into too much trouble while he was away...though at this point he had other priorities.

He smiled to himself as he thought about the prospects of peace. A little guilt tugged at the back of his mind. As a...some what "leader", he should be socializing and playing nice. He'll make up for it later. Plus, Ndoto was loud enough for the both of him. Surely he was handling things... Enyeto shook his head to clear his thoughts. All this thinkin' was making him heavy. He really needed to re-charge and get his groove back.