Stepping through the portal a chill ran up the Jiang Shi's spine. It had been a while since the last time she had done a task. And she had yet to ever fight against much of anything since she had hit year two. So she was a bit fidgety to get out there and test herself out.

To see if she had improved on anything.

It was cold here, not that it really bothered her. And snow was everywhere it seemed. Blanketing the ground and covering the roof tops of nearby homes. A small village from what she could tell. Tall chimneys rose up and belched thick black smoke that swirled up into the sky. Giving the air a slight burnt wood smell to it. It was actually kind of nice, the smell.

But she wasn't here to take in the scenery. No, she had invited Alex along to do a little Fear gathering. While they hadn't had much time to really catch up since she had returned, Mei figured it would be something they could do together without others interjecting themselves.

She turned, dark brown eyes watching the portal as she waited for him to step on through. Fingers laced behind her back covered by her long flowing sleeves as she rocked on her heels a couple of times.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. [ Task of Death: ] The Reaping
This task can be performed SOLO. However, it is recommended to have at least another player. You can do this with a max of three players. They may go anywhere in the Human World using the portal catacombs in the Lair. These catacombs lead to small human world towns only. All players must follow these steps to successfully harvest Fear from death.

gaia_crown [ Step 1: ]

- You reach a quiet town, and the first thing you see is a funeral procession. There is death heavy in the air, but not quite enough for a proper reaping. You will need to create more death.

All humans have 10 HP. The CAN be npced.

- Simply select a human target. If you have two players, you can BOTH attack the target until they die. If three, all three of you attack the target until they die. Use proper dice mechanics (battle dice mechanics), Fear charges CAN be used.
- All humans do +4 auto damage, if you are a Death clans member they only do +3 and Death clans members get a +2 attack modifier
- HOW IT WORKS: I am a stage 1 horseman. I roll 2d8 and get 4, 5. That means I do 9-8 modifier = 1 damage to the human. That human now has 9 HP. My partner then rolls 2d8 -8 and gets a final damage result of 8. The human is now DYING. Our group has TAKEN DOWN ONE human. We can now target another
- Make sure to post in your OOC Tally at the bottom of each post which human number you are on and their current HP as well as how many humans your group has taken down.
- When your group has killed AT LEAST 2 humans you can move on to the next phase. You can only take down a MAX of 4.

gaia_crown [ Step 2: ]

- Now it is time to reap, aka, harvest the humans. The atmosphere is just as important as the (dying) human itself, and while it may be nice to gain some additional Fear for Halloween, you have no love for Halloween, and really, there is no reason to add to the ghost population. You are going to do a mock reaping, without fully completing it. You are only harvesting the Fear before the human is entirely passed away.

Roll a 4-sided dice If odd, you harvest 1 Fear point from the body. If even, you harvest 2. You continue to watch and reap in their Fear until they are dead. It is up to you if you want to burn/ destroy/ send off /bury the body or just leave it.
- You must do this for EACH victim (per player) you harvest. The Fear amount is different harvested, as it sometimes depends on what the human is exactly going through in their death throes. All humans are npcable/ you can rp/ gm them. Ie: I am player one and we killed three humans. I will roll for human 1, and I roll a 4. 4 = even. I get 2 Fear points. I watch them die. I do this again for human 2, etc etc.