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    It had been a very long time since Tareq had gotten mad at anybody; even when Azima's argumentative nature was at its worst he'd simply laugh and tease the red male a bit. And before the kusini lands? Sure he got into some fights... but those had been mostly for fun. He couldn't remember being angry in ages, was what it really seemed to come down to. So when Inzi had showed up... a lot of him did find amusement in the situation. But a small part of him... and it was a part he struggled to keep away... well that part felt very heated and pissed off. What was Azima even thinking?

    He paced back and forth outside of the den, uncharacteristically paying very little mind to his kids. He just couldn't deal with constant questions or play fighting or practicing hunting right now... and even that was only a cause for more annoyance. Why should Azima get to stir up his anger enough that he would ignore their precious children?

    His tail lashed back and forth, and on one of his very many times turning around in the same, fairly small, circle he spotted the red lion next to the smaller but equally vibrant blue lion. Good, they were back! Tareq kept thinking over and over in his head the sort of things he wanted to say to his mate... but first he'd have to deal with the kids. Or maybe he'd just force Azima on another walk?

    Most likely the princess was too tired to want to go on another walk though! It would be typically, definitely. That was the way Azima was, and Tareq knew that for a long time. He liked to think he knew quiet a bit about Azzie; even more so than the red lion himself. After all, Azima was so stubborn to the point he'd even hide things from himself. "Yer back." He said flatly, trying not to give Inzi any dirty looks. This was not Inzi's fault, not at all. Besides... Tareq was fairly certain he'd like Inzi, given a few hours to get to know the adolescent.

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    The talk with Inzi hadn't been... as awkward as he had first imagined it being. In fact... it was rather nice. Some things couldn't be helped right away... or explained, perhaps. Or maybe there was just a lot of stuff to sort through. Or most likely... Azima over dramatized everything. He'd swear up and down that he hated complicated things... but why would they so often enter his life if that was really the case? He'd felt embarrassed with Keaira there... and especially bad because Tareq had been right there and it was something he'd never dreamed of telling the gray, spotted male. Did that make him a terrible lion? Perhaps.

    But if he and Tareq weren't going to be able to work through this... Let's just say he thought that maybe he was right for worrying so much and needing to go on the journey in the first place. Though if it really did end for the worst Azima thought that maybe he wouldn't be able to live with himself... he'd have to leave. He'd have to honestly tell the kids everything... actually he needed to find out if they should maybe tell them that obviously someone had to be their mother... and who more made sense than his twin?

    He thought that perhaps he should save that question for a different day that wasn't too far in the future. Right now there was something... weirder to focus on. But Tareq hadn't seemed made when he'd left with Inzi; he simply had indicated that he and Azima would be speaking.

    So the flat tone in which his mate 'greeted' him completely threw him off. He cleared his throat, frowning slightly. "Yes, we're back." He repeated, glancing to Inzi and giving a slightly apologetic smile. "Er, perhaps you want to say hi to Qi and Sara as well?" Youngsters were so full of energy... had he been that rambunctious as a kid too? He doubted it.

    He kept his distance from Tareq; the bad mood was practically radiating off of the beast. "What's wrong with you then?" The red male spat, slightly unkind.

    He could tell almost immediately that this would be a fight, because obviously Azima would instantly get in a tizzy if he was acting strange. But at least he was smart enough to send the boy away... and keep Qi and Sara occupied. The other two must have been out hunting or playing; maybe even exploring. But he couldn't just let Azima get away with everything; he was very hurt that his mate would ever keep a secret from him... even if it had happened before they were technically mates. Tareq had told Azima his intentions before the doofus went off on his little travels!

    He cleared his throat, his gaze stoney, as he nodded away from the den. "I be thinkin' we shoul' walk fer this." It was clear it wasn't a suggestion or request; they would take a walk.

    Azima frowned deeply, all at once feeling both guilty and annoyed. What the hell was with Tareq? He hadn't seemed upset before... but now he was going to let it bother him? He sighed deeply and rolled his eyes, starting to walk so Tareq would follow. He knew that his actions and attitude would do nothing to quiet the other male's anger... but Azima didn't care. Actually... he was secretly a little curious. He'd never seen Tareq mad before.

    It was doubtful his curiosity would last long though.

    Once they were quite a bit away from the kids his ears flicked back. They'd been walking in a stoney silence until just now. "I can'no believe yeh woul'no tell me aboot some'in like this yeh arse!" He snapped out, turning to look to Azima.

    Azima's eyes widened and he looked straight at Tareq. Well this wasn't like the male and - oh gods above! Not only was he angry but Azima could see hurt in his eyes! Shitshitshit, what was this nonsense? He didn't want to feel bad about this! "Hey! Don't shout at me!" He hissed out, finally looking around to make sure no one was near them. "That's not fair! I never thought...I just didn't think..." Oh this was wonderful. It was going to take all day!

    "Wha'? WHA' did yeh no' think aboot yeh massive p***k?" He was shouting anyways, Azima could stuff it! It might take a while... but they would eventually come to an understanding. How could they not? They loved each other and deserved to be together... they would work through their mistake together.