The dark lioness rubbed up against a tree, scratching at an itch. That was the only purpose of doing so, as she had a horrid itch. So much so, she'd removed the scrap of rug from her back and even the scraps of tent she'd stolen forever ago from some poor stupid humans. The green-eyed lioness purred, closing her eyes as the itch was reached. Ooooh that was the spot... The most wonderful spot... And she loved it, not caring how bad her fur scruffed up from it. After all... The only appearances that mattered were eyes and markings, and Nuri had neither one of those, so she didn't much care how she looked. She turned, finding a new spot to scratch. "Oh yeah... That feels so good..."

Ramla was still tossing things over in her head after her talk with Drogon. Even if it had been a few weeks... She'd been hiding the presence of Ngoma's brother from him for some time, too, something she was getting less and less proud of. She was, too, getting less proud of the state of her coat... She was as rough and tumble as the boys could be, but the copper lioness still adored keeping her coat neat and tidy. It was just so hard to find a good spot... She stopped, noticing a dark lioness scratching herself against a tree. Piled near by were scraps of fabric, one looking like a piece of plain cloth and the other woven with patterning and even a tassel. Weird things... It then occurred to her that she'd seen this lioness wearing those things. She'd been in the pride longer than she and Ngoma had, and Ramla couldn't remember ever seeing her without those items before. She tilted her head, going over. "Itchy back there?"

"Very." Nuri didn't stop, not caring who saw her. If she had fleas, she didn't give a damn. She'd never worried much about them where she'd come from, either. "You're one of the new lions, aren't you?" She finally finished, stepping away from the tree. "Can't remember your name, though..." She began to circle the copper lioness, looking her over. She was getting scruffy... Just like all the Nergui. "Quite the set of peepers you got there... Silver isn't a color we normally see..." A dangerous grin lit her face. "And we like that. We like that a lot." She reached up, grabbing the other lioness' face by her chin. "So tell me, little new lion... What is your name, and what is your rank...?"

Ramla's ears folded back before she scowled, jerking her face away. "A little too close and personal, aren't we?" She took a step away, not liking how close this other lioness was. "My name is Ramla, and my rank is Emkurcar... And who and what are YOU?" Besides really touchy... She had to take another few steps away as the spotted female got close again. What was she doing, coming onto her? Yes, Ramla had two fathers, but that didn't mean she had an interest in the same gender. She liked manes plenty, and specifically Ngoma's. So fiery and red... And this lioness was not Ngoma in the least.

Nuri's face lit up in a grin. Ramla... Simple name, for certain. She kept stepping closer. "I would almost swear your eyes were the right color." When she got close enough to really look, though, she frowned. "Hm, maybe not so much... Oh well, your mate's still very desireable... I wish he were single, he'd sire great cubs..." With little rune marks on them... It tickled her with amusement to watch the copper lioness' hackles raise up. "I am Nuri, I'm one of the Braak." She caught up to Ramla again, pinching her cheeks. "You know, poppet, you're a bit CLEAN to be amid the Nergui... Should we fix that?" She was prepared to dirty this lioness up, for no other reason than she felt like it.

She felt ready to smack Nuri, but her rank had her restrain herself. If there was one thing she'd gathered, Braak ranked higher then Emkurcar. There was no recognition of rank, though, when it came to mates. "You'll keep your paws off Ngoma, he is MINE." Possessive was certainly one of Ramla's... BETTER qualities, as it were. She then stepped away from Nuri again, taking a moment to rub her face where her cheek had been pinched. "You should remember that I wasn't born Nergui, I was born in a pride where we kept CLEAN and didn't get FLEAS." They didn't much let their fur get scruffy back in the Tuait. While normally she didn't occupy herself with such issues, Ramla DID like keeping her coat tidy and clean.

Ooooh, she'd found a sensitive spot! Nuri rubbed against the other lioness, almost ensuring that she'd get fleas. "Oh, is he? But that begs the question... Can he defend YOU?" She walked back to the tree and her posessions she'd left there. "See, you have to remember something here... If one of the Worrurd decides he wants you, then they have every right to challenge Ngoma for you.. And if he loses, you're no longer Ngoma's, you're now the Worrurd's mate." Not that she imagined Godlum or Muunokhoi would particularly try to challenge for a lioness. Muunokhoi, as far as she could tell, had a mate, and Godlum... Well, she wasn't sure with that one. "And the best part is... Ngoma can't challenge a Worrurd to get you back!" She grinned at the copper lioness, putting the rug scrap back on her back before putting her hood back on.

That didn't sound too pleasant... Ramla gave a sniff. "Well, I don't think any of them will be after me..." She then gave a true show of persistent old ways from her old pride. "I'm far too plain." She made up for her physical plain-ness with prowess. Though she had been a Guardian in the Tuait, of course, Ramla had found being an Emkurcar both humbling and easier. She didn't mind being a rank under her mate... At least, until now.

Walking back over to the copper lioness, Nuri pinched her cheek again. "Ramla, dear, it's not about how you LOOK here... Unless you have markings like Worrurd Godlum or your dear mate... If you prove a strong lioness, they'll want you. So you keep that in mind..." She poked Ramla's nose. "Before you go picking any fights." She gave a grin to the other lioness, then turned and walked away, a slight sashay in her paw steps.

A growl rose up in her throat, and while Ramla wanted deeply to rend Nuri's face in two, she resisted. It wouldn't end well for her. Instead, she spat in Nuri's direction when the dark lioness was gone, then turned and went to find Ngoma. They'd have to have a chat.... An overdue chat.