Current Planet Description

The world is at peace, its only skirmishes resolved by elite peacekeeping agencies. Weaponry has advanced far beyond that of the 20th century, yet continues to have that human flair. Major cities cover the landscapes, yet all are clean and maintained. Forrests are left to natures design, and are often incorperated into the cities themselves. Earth has finally entered its age of Knowledge.

Earth's involvement during the "Rise of the Valkirie"

When the Great War initiated in the Valhallan dimension, all the Valkyrie in their own due time discovered the various eras of humans on planet Earth. Admired for their tenacity, adaptability and leadership, the humans were among the first of the "alien" races that found themselves fighting for the Valkyrie. The Alliance uses the humans to defend the universe, which in return, they often grant them success in their previous goals, and the fact their planet will not be overrun by the Marro and the other wicked races of the universe. Utgar uses very few humans, only to direct his armies, which in a sense, have already abandoned their humanity on their home world when they betrayed their comrades. Utgar strictly uses otherworld soliders, due to the human's capacity for emotion and remorse, a thought that sickens Utgar.

Representing Species:


Current Wartime Status

More Sudo-Wellsprings have been found on Earth than any other planet involved in the war. This has lead to large invasion attempts by Utgar, leaving the forces of Earths nations greatly depleted and exausted. It is not certain how much longer they will be able to hold out without aid.

Known gates:
Jandar, Einar
Current Ocupation: