Current Planet Description

Icaria is an Earth-like planet, the Icarians inhabiting a large part of this world. They live under the monarchy of magnificient dragons, whom they revere as gods and leaders. Some dragons reign as peaceful kings, guidance through tribute, such as Zelrig's case, or through honor and dignity, such as Charos and Nilfheim's kingdoms. Other dragons hunt the Icarians as sport, such as Braxas and Mimring, and lead to the birth of zealous dragon assassins such as the Nhah Scrih. The Icarians are a simple people. Comparative to our bronze age, their culture is based around their worship of Dragons.

Icaria's Involvement during the "Rise of the Valkyrie"

The Valkyrie recieved visions of the might of these wondrous dragons, and all have recruited their efforts in fighting in their intergalatic war.

Representing Species:


Current Wartime Status

Icaria's populations have entered a state of confusion. The balances of kingdoms and nations have become unbalanced due to the loss of their Dragon leaders. Rogue dragons roam the continents spreading destruction and killing each other. The icarians fight each other as well. Groups, displaced by dragons fight for land and resources. The planet has become too hostile to inhabit.

Known Gates:
Current Occupation: